ImageMy personal belief is that outside of our religious affiliations, people universally love this time of year, mainly because we love to celebrate, gather with people that we treasure and make people happy through giving. In a very special way, the things we love about the Holidays are also what makes Rotary so very special, which is why this last six months has been one of the most special times of my life.


Before becoming President of the club, I thought I knew everyone in the club, had a good sense of what people did, how much they contributed and what we accomplished as a group, but I did not.  I only saw a very small part of the reach our club has, the incredible effort our people give, and how much we truly do. It has been an incredibly rewarding time for me to meet more of the people, see more of the effort and experience more of the impact.

The Holidays are officially in full swing! I know because my house has been inundated with Christmas things: Christmas Trees (4), Santas (10), reindeer (12), wreathes (3) and bows (30).  As you can tell, my wife really loves Christmas. My kids do too. I know because I hear the phrase “Daddy, I love Christmas” about 15 times a day, 25 times a day on the weekends.


Obviously, this time of the year is very special to people all over the world. It may  be one of the few times that people in different countries and of different faiths all celebrate, give freely of themselves  and greet  each other in a much friendlier way.


And so as we enter the end of the first half of our Rotary Year, I want to say thanks for being who you are, doing what you do, and making our club so very special. Your achievements are making a difference. Every time we look around the corner, we find more people that want to help, join the cause and bring smiles to more faces. We are well on our way to adding 30 new members to our club, putting a new dictionary in the hands of thousands of kids and helping others in ways too numerous to mention.


So, from my family to yours, a very Happy Holiday. Please join me in going out and make someone’s day today!


All my best!


Mark Krohn 
