The Chili Open Golf Classic is THIS SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 1, 2025! There are several ways you can still help, and we need everyone’s support to achieve our goal.
Our club members are encouraged to sell a minimum of $200 in raffle tickets. Our overall goal for ticket sales is $56,000, and we still have a considerable distance to cover! Many members have found success by reaching out via email to family, friends, and colleagues, asking for assistance in purchasing tickets. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has already sold tickets and to those who are still working on it. Please remember to bring your sold raffle tickets to the next Rotary Club luncheon. If you need additional tickets to sell, we will have them available as well. Feel free to post the attached flyer at your workplace.
The Silent Auction will showcase a "Wheelbarrow of Good Cheer!" We invite you to help us fill this wheelbarrow with donations of unopened bottles of spirits and mixers. Additionally, we are still seeking items for the door prize raffle and for our auction. Items like small gift cards, hats, cups, tickets to events, candies and more, will be great. Please bring any donations to the Club luncheon. If you require assistance with item pickup, feel free to call or email us, and we will gladly arrange it.


OR Text 35chiliopen to 76278 or register below.

We sincerely appreciate your support in ensuring that this year's Chili Open remains a success for our Club, benefiting the campers at Akron Rotary Camp! Please visit for more information about the Chili Open. Together, we are "Creating a world where there are only abilities!"

Yours in Rotary,
Nathanael Billow and Katy Miller
Co-Chairs, 2025 Chili Open Golf Classic