2019 Chili Open
Thank you for helping us raise over $283,000 to benefit Rotary Camp for Children with Special Needs. February 2, 2019 - Hale Farm and Village - over 550 golfers and volunteers attended the 29th annual Chili Open Golf Classic, presented by Wayne Homes. We raised over $283,000 benefiting Akron Rotary Camp for Children with Special Needs. Annually, the net proceeds from the Chili Open will provide financial support to families in need. We are committed to never letting a family's personal financial resources prevent a camper from attending Rotary Camp. Last year, Akron Rotary Camp provided over $240,000 in direct financial assistance and served 1,900 children through their summer camp and year round respite programs, where campers can enjoy many traditional activities We are extremely grateful to all Rotarians, sponsors, donors and volunteers who have helped make a difference in the lives of our campers through this year’s Chili Open.
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