How long has the Rotary Club of Akron been talking about starting a mentoring program?  “At least 30 years that I can account for, said Steve Shechter, who is among a group of Rotarians who have responded to Lance Chima’s call for volunteers to become mentors to newly inducted members.
“ I was at another club in my capacity of District Membership Chair to Be. When I mentioned the importance of mentoring, someone asked if we had a mentoring program in Akron.  I had to admit that we didn’t, and that’s what prompted me to initiate one with the support of Membership Chairman Dan Riemenschneider and a few other  Rotarians with varying years of Rotary experience including President Shon, Past-President George Rooney, Membership Chair Dan Riemenschneider, and rising star Brian Chima.
Becoming a new Rotarian can be a little overwhelming—somewhat reminiscent of the first day going off to school.  Lots of new people to get to know, activities, programs  and unfamiliar traditions. It’s a lot to take in, especially before you have developed the passion for our various missions that motivate all these friends-to-be.
The assignment of mentors has begun. When asked about his first mentoring experience, Shechter said “It was fabulous for me. I learned so much about Teresa Gary.  I was absolutely blown away. I suspected that she was bright and charming  but had no idea that that she had such a compelling life story that spawned her passion for service above self. One can only hoe that she gained as much from the encounter as did I. She is going to be a wonderful Rotarian, and I am going to be a proud mentor.”
“Beneficial to all concerned”  Chima observed.
Stay tuned for further mentoring developments. If you would like to be a Rotary mentor, contact Lance ( or Steve ( for more information.