District Governors (DG) are elected by the district clubs two to three years before taking office.
This time is dedicated for them to plan and attend development/training and leadership sessions.


Once their one-year term as Governor is complete,
they retain the title of Past District Governor (PDG).

What does a Governor do?

As a district governor you have proven strong leadership skills and decision making. During your year in office, clubs will look to you for leadership, support, and motivation as they carry out service projects and participate in Rotary programs.

What you do

  • Strengthen clubs, organize new clubs, and grow membership
  • Encourage contributions and other support for The Rotary Foundation
  • Promote positive public image and serve as spokesperson for district
  • Develop a safe environment for youth participants
  • Conduct district conference and other meetings
  • Supervise district nominations and elections
  • Prepare budget, provide annual report, and help administer District Designated Funds
  • Complete online district qualification
  • Work with governor-elect and other district leaders

These members of the
Akron Rotary Club
have honorably served as
Rotary International
District 6630 Governors (DG).
District 6630 has been renamed over the years as noted.

Formerly 21st District (renamed in 1922)
1922-23            Theodore E. Smith*          
Formerly 158th District (renamed in 1937)
1944-45            Harry E. Votaw*        
Formerly 229th District (renamed in 1949)
1956-57            William D. Zahrt*              
Formerly District 663 (renamed in 1957)
1968-69            Leslie P. Hardy*       
Renamed District 6630 (renamed in 1991)
2003-04            Jack A. Harig            
2010-11            Stew Buchanan        
2015-16            Cheryl A. Warren      
2019-20            John L. Reyes
2023-24            Julie Brandle 
*Deceased / We also wish to recognize Richard Farkas who was scheduled to serve as a DG for the 2016-17 Rotary year. We were saddened when Dick passed away prior to the commencement of his term as DG. 