Hello District 6630 Rotarian Leaders! As you hopefully are aware, our Rotary District 6630 Four-Way Test Speech Competition is scheduled for 10 am on Saturday, April 6th. For the second year in a row the competition will be held at Springfield Senior High School, 1880 Canton Road, Akron, Ohio 44312!
Although the Akron Club will not have anyone competing this year, we are looking for a few more judges and timers for the event, so please email Rich Cole at rcole@iamsuper.org if you are willing and able to serve as a judge or timer for this year's speech competition; either Head Judge Ron Whitmer or I will be in contact with you in the near future with related judge/timer details! Many thanks for all you do, Rotarians...looking forward to a great District 6630 Four-Way Test Speech Competition!
Rich Cole, Chairman
Rotary District 6630 Four-Way Test Speech Competition
Rotary Club of Port Summit
330-414-5258 (SUPER)
330-780-7391 (Lakemore)