The Rotary Club of Akron had the privilege of hearing our District 6630 Governor speak at the Tuesday, January 3, 2023, Club meeting. View the meeting by clicking here.
The purpose of DG Jones’ visit is to allow the District Governor the opportunity to communicate directly with all Rotarians in our District, to listen to the Club Leadership and its members and gain a better understanding of their club and to share information from RI and the District as it pertains to the Clubs.

David was an Adjunct Professor for Ashland University and taught high school math at Madison Local Schools and Ontario Local Schools in Richland County Ohio. David worked as the Director of Building Operations and Technology for the Summit Educational Service Center in Summit County Ohio before retiring after 32 years in education.
He serves as a member of the Northampton-Cuyahoga Valley Rotary Club and served as Club President; he is a member of the Club’s Board of Directors, Scholarship Committee, Foundation Chair and Grant Committee.
David is excited to work with all Clubs and Rotarians of the District on club membership, Community Service, Foundation Support and strengthening the connections between Rotary, Interact and Rotaract clubs. David stated, “I am excited to be a part of an extremely talented leadership team and will continue the proud tradition of those who put “Service Above Self.”
David related that he felt this year’s motto of “Imagine Rotary,” was most fitting as Clubs come out of COVID and resume some sort of “normalcy.” Imagine Rotary is: “what we can do, whom we can impact, what people we can help and how we can make a difference.”
Several of David’s priorities for his term are looking at the Strategic Plan that was developed several years ago but couldn’t be fully implemented because of COVID. His hope is that many of the priorities can now be addressed and implemented after reviewing what the district wants to continue as priorities. Membership has always been a goal in the Strategic Plan. The District is losing members, no different than other Districts and other service organizations.

David encourages Clubs to work together with other service organizations. There is strength in numbers. A club may be small and partnering with another service organization may give the Club more opportunities for service to their communities. In reverse, larger Rotary Clubs can partner with other smaller service clubs to assist them in meeting their service objectives.
He also believes we must constantly look at how we can enhance the services we currently are engaged with.
David wrapped up his presentation complimenting PDG Stew Buchanan for his work on the Rotary/Guardians game each year. This past year 300 Rotarians and guests attended the Guardian’s game.
David reminded the Club of the 4 Way Test Speech Contest to be held April 27th, the RYLA camp experience the week of June 11th and the District Conference of April 28-29.
DG Jones entertained questions from Club members after his presentation.
Yours in Service,
Terry Dalton
Akron Club Secretary and Scholarship Chair
We were pleased to also welcome many Akron Rotary past and future District Governors from our Club who joined us at the meeting.
(photo L-R: PDG John Reyes, PDG Stew Buchanan, Club President Lynda Farkas, PDG Jack Harig, PDG Cheryl Warren, DGE Julie Brandle, DG David Jones and First Lady Georgeann Jones)