Volunteer Sign Up open for the Chili Open!

2025 Chili Open Golf Classic

It is finally time to be able to sign up for "2025 Chili Open Golf Classic." The co-chairs and committee chairs have been working hard to get the events organized. Time slots are available for the Friday set up and the Saturday event. Volunteer coordinators Amanda Warner and Doug Hausknecht are using this program to sign up and track volunteers.

Please click on the button below to view the online sign up sheet.

Contact Amanda c/o Camp or Doug at hauskne@yahoo.com with any questions.
Volunteer Sign Up open for the Chili Open! 2025-01-15 05:00:00Z 0

Gregg Mervis: The Hospitality Ecosystem

We were pleased to welcome Gregg Mervis as our presenter on January 14th. 
Mervis and his team  are the promoters of Summit County's vibrant hospitality scene.
The Akron/Summit Convention & Visitors Bureau champions the impact the tourism industry has on our local economy and way of life.
They are the destination marketing organization for the area and promote Greater Akron and Summit County as a memorable and entertaining location for leisure and business travel.
He discussed many of the events and organizations choosing Akron as their destination.   
Fueled by a percentage of the bed tax collected from visitors staying in Summit County accommodations, the Bureau stands tall as a self-sufficient engine of economic growth. Dollars spent by visitors on lodging, dining, entertainment and retail all support our community’s hospitality ecosystem – which bolsters revenue and tax coffers.
When you're looking for a place to rest your head while you’re here, you're not just finding a hotel room—you're investing in unforgettable experiences and helping our community thrive. Enjoy Greater Akron and start creating your own adventure!
Gregg Mervis: The Hospitality Ecosystem 2025-01-15 05:00:00Z 0


We will be at Whiteys Booze and Burgers on Friday January 17th from 5-8pm. 

Whitey's Chili is the OFFICAL Chili Sponsor of the Chili Open!
What a great way to show our support by patronizing Whitey's for being the OFFICAL Chili Open Sponsor!
Stop in for a few beverages, a little putt-putt for prizes  or bring the family to have a bite!
We look forward to seeing you next Friday! Come hungry ~
Thane Billow and Katy Miller/Co-Chairs Chili Open
Jan. 17th - THE PUTT PUTT CHALLENGE IS ON!! 2025-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

 2025 Chili Open Partners

Presenting Sponsor

Wayne Homes didn’t invent custom, on-your-lot homebuilding.
But for over 50 years, we’ve been working hard to reinvent it. To make it more customer-oriented. More affordable. And even more flexible, with practically unlimited customizable choices. In other words, to make it more 
do-able for more people.

That’s our mission. And we’re happy to say we’ve made
some great strides. Our customer satisfaction rating is
among the best in the industry, and we’re one of a handful
of builders in the entire country to win the
National Housing Quality award.

Community Partner $10,000
Corporate Partners $5,000
Premier Partners $2,500
  • Akron Porcelain & Plastics Co.
  • The Billow Funeral Homes & Crematory
  • Crafty Steere
  • Employ-Temps Staffing Services
  • GPD Group
  • Hale Farm & Village
  • Lala’s in the Lakes
  • Ken and Patti Orihel
  • O’Neill Insurance
  • John and Linda Reyes
  • Charles and Salome Reymann Foundation
  • The Sherwin-Williams Company
  • Smithers-Oasis Company
  • Whitey’s Premium Chili
  • Wright LaHaie Jarvis Wealth Advisors
Caring Partners $1,250
  • CLA
  • Diamond America Corporation
  • Firestone Country Club
  • FirstEnergy Family Credit Union
  • Cyndi Kane – RE/MAX Crossroads
  • Pamela Kiltau
  • Lambert Buick-GMC, Inc.
  • Lang Financial Group, Inc.
  • Luigi’s
  • John and Mary Margida
  • Maynard Family Foundation
  • Metis Construction Services
  • Jeff and Sandy Naragon
  • Roger and Sally Read
  • S Group, Inc.
  • Stark Truss Company
  • Thompson Electric, Inc.
  • Trinity Pension Consultants
  • Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP
Camperships - $600
  • Akrochem Corporation
  • Akron Community Foundation
  • Alco-Chem, Inc.
  • Botnick Realty Company
  • The Brandle Family
  • W. Stewart Buchanan, CPA
  • Terry and Sharon Dalton
  • Laura Duda
  • Festa Italiana of Cuyahoga Falls
  • The Geopfert Company
  • Jack and Vivian Harig
  • Marcia Holcomb
  • Connor and Courtney Jarvis
  • Terry and Jennifer Jarvis
  • Doug and Kathy Kohl
  • David M. Koly, CPA
  • Kovatch Castings, Inc.
  • Kyocera SGS Precision Tool
  • Steve and Jeannine Marks
  • Rob and Sharon McGregor
  • Mooney and Moses
  • Todd Michaels Memorial Campership
  • Dan and Sheila O’Connell
  • Peninsula Architects
  • Dan and Carol Riemenschneider
  • David Ruppel
  • Seward Wealth Management
  • Sikich, LLP
  • Jim Slater
  • Laura Smiley
  • Mike and Sandy Soful
  • Scott Stutler
  • Steve and Cheryl Warren
  • Scott Warner Memorial Campership
In-Kind Supporters
  • The S Group, Inc.
2025 Chili Open Partners 2025-01-09 05:00:00Z 0

Chili Open Raffle Tickets - Your Help is Critical!

We are getting close to our Chili Open. The raffle tickets are a big part of raising money as part of our service over self. 
Below you will find a letter with information you can use to sell the raffle tickets.
A special thanks for Rotarians who have already sold their assigned tickets. 
Karen Hrdlicka
Rotary Club Akron Bylaws Committee Chair
Tel 330.329.7723 | hrdlickacareer@gmail,com

Only 25 days until Akron Rotary's 35th annual Chili Open Golf Classic! We need every club member's help in promoting Raffle ticket sales. Your help in this area of the Chili Open is critical – in order for The VanDevere Bunch to donate the car, we need to sell a minimum of $40,000 in raffle tickets.
Below is sample wording to use in an email to your clients, colleagues, family, and friends. Feel free to personalize your email with your personal testimonial of Akron Rotary Club and Camp. If you have already purchased or sold your tickets, thank you!
Let us know if you have questions or need more raffle tickets. Thank you for your support!
Karen Hrdlicka and Marissa Rufe
35th Annual Chili Open – Raffle Ticket Chairs  
For the last 100 years, Akron Rotary Camp has been the main project of the Rotary Club of Akron. Every purchase of a raffle ticket will help Rotary Camp to live out their mission of “Creating a world where there are only abilities!” and continue to support the vulnerable youth and families that benefit from sending their child to Camp. 
Please consider joining me in purchasing raffle tickets to support Akron Rotary’s annual Chili Open Golf Classic! The Akron Rotary Club which hosts the Chili Open Golf Classic presented by Wayne Homes, a winter golf event that benefits Akron Rotary Camp for Children with Special Needs. Rotary Camp serves 1,100 children and adults with disabilities and provides financial assistance to families in need of their services. The Chili Open helps to make this possible!  This year, the Chili Open is celebrating its 35th anniversary; our goal is to raise $375,000 to provide more families the opportunity to send their children to camp.
There are great chances to win the following prizes: 
  • 1st Prize: 2025 KIA K4 from The VanDevere Bunch
  •  2nd Prize: $2,500 Flooring Credit, courtesy of Barrington Carpet & Flooring Design
  •  3rd Prize: North Course Foursome Package, courtesy of Firestone Country Club
Each ticket also includes $30 in discounts (ticket stubs will be mailed):
Tickets are $20 each. Raffle winners will be drawn during the Chili Open on Saturday, February 1st, at Hale Farm and Village (winner need not be present to win.) 
As a bonus, we are offering a chance to win $50,000 in SNOWMANIA!!!  Anyone who purchases five (5) raffle tickets ($20 each for a total of $100) will automatically be entered into the Chili Open SNOWMANIA drawing.
Please join me in purchasing tickets today at Chiliopen.net, or call Akron Rotary Camp at (330) 644-4512. Thank you for in advance for helping Rotary Camp to fulfill its mission of Creating a world where there are only abilities!
Chili Open Raffle Tickets - Your Help is Critical! 2025-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Please Volunteer to Help at our Meetings!

Happy New Year!  I hope that each of you and your families had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season overall!
It's that time of year again where I send out everyone's favorite email - plus, you will get to hear my voice even more than usual at club meetings (cue the eyerolls and groans - I know you can't wait!) as I announce the need for volunteers to assist with the following roles at our club meetings for the 1st half of 2025: Greeter (& "Daily Lotto" sales), Invocation Speaker, & Meeting/Technology Set-Up
My most sincere appreciation and gratitude goes out to the faithful “regulars” I have been able to consistently count on to help fill the respective roles or jump in last minute to cover an empty slot (you know who you are).  I also appreciate the handful of "newcomers" (both established and newer members) who helped throughout the course of last year or expressed a willingness to do so moving forward. 
I would like to encourage anyone that has either never served as Greeter or Invocator (or who has only done so sparingly) to consider volunteering for a few slots during this 1st half of 2025 - I'd be immensely thankful to see my list of "regulars" grow.  Not only are these roles a much appreciated and valued service to the club, but they also present an excellent opportunity to immerse oneself in the weekly meetings. 
If you need help signing up, please let me know and I can direct you to the appropriate location on the Rotary Club of Akron website, or I will gladly fill in your name for whatever date(s) you are able and willing to volunteer.  For convenience, here is the public URL to the relevant volunteer sign-up page:
For Greeters, please plan to arrive by 11:40ish (if possible) and be prepared to help sell Daily Lotto raffle tickets and have the speaker pull the winning ticket at the end of the meeting.
For Invocation Speakers, I have provided some links with sample invocations below.  You are quite welcome to create your own invocation, of course, but please know that custom content is not a requirement!  I am happy to assist with this too.  In fact, I'll even provide an invocation for you to read if that's what it will take for you to sign up.  I assure you, this need not be an intimidating volunteer role for the meeting! 
For Meeting/Technology Set-Up, the duties currently require:
  1. Ensuring the computer, projector, and microphones are all up and running smoothly before the start of the meeting.  NOTE: Brian Kosarko, Michael Gladysz, or I can/will help train new volunteers - we would certainly appreciate expanding the rotation for this role. 
  2. If necessary, correcting the flag positioning so that when viewed from the audience, the U.S./American Flag is to the left of the speaker/podium and the Ohio Flag is on the right. 
Thank you in advance for volunteering!  
Yours in service,
Connor G. Jarvis, CFP®
Sergeant of Arms
Rotary Club of Akron
Some links with sample invocations (if needed/desired):
Please Volunteer to Help at our Meetings! 2025-01-07 05:00:00Z 0

Now packing lunches - OPEN M Backpack Service Project 

Akron Rotary's Open M has resumed their Food Backpack Program for food insecure students at Innes Middle School for 200 kids in need. 
We are continuing our support of the supplemental food service through June 4, 2025.
Wednesdays at 2:30pm now through June 4, 2025
Location: Open M 
941 Princeton Street, Akron, OH 44311
You can sign up directly on the Rotary Club of Akron website by clicking here. We appreciate your participation and look forward to making this a great event together!
Sandy Naragon, Chair
Grant Committee
330-256-5315 - Cell
Now packing lunches - OPEN M Backpack Service Project 2025-01-07 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Cares

Posted on Dec 18, 2024
The purpose of Rotary Cares is to show our support for Akron Rotary members and their families when dealing with the loss of a loved one, the hardship of illness and also to celebrate the joy of a new baby, job, marriage or other events in their lives. Please <Click to Email us> to let us know of any news you would like placed here. Note that health related information is posted only with permission of the individual(s).

After 35 impactful years as a pediatrician and 12 years as Akron Children’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Robert McGregor is retiring. His legacy of transforming challenges into opportunities will live on through the programs he pioneered. His advice to young professionals: Get engaged, bring positive solutions, find joy in your work, and prioritize self-care. 💙
From his wife Sharon:
"I couldn’t be prouder of this man, my husband, for his outstanding career extending from a medical student to chief resident to primary care pediatrician to outstanding academic diagnostician, to long term residency director, pediatric educator at a local and national level, to chair of pediatrics and ultimately in an executive position as chief medical officer for an outstanding free-standing children’s hospital. He has always cared deeply for the kids he has taken care of as well as for his colleagues and the people he has worked with. In addition, he is a dedicated family man and continues to be an amazing father to his two daughters and loving Papa Mac to his 3 grandchildren. I have walked with him through his career and have seen his care and dedication behind the scenes. You can be sure he will continue to pay forward all the wisdom and experience that he has gained from this career that he had loved."
Rotary Cares 2024-12-18 05:00:00Z 0

Member Receives Paul Harris+6 Pin

President Nathanael Billow received his Paul Harris+6 pin today.  It was presented by President Elect Katy Miller. 
Thank you Thane - you truly make a difference!

Paul Harris Fellow
Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) recognition is given in appreciation to anyone who contributes, outright or cumulatively – or in whose name is contributed – a gift of US$1,000 or more to the Annual Programs Fund, PolioPlus, PolioPlus Partners or the Humanitarian Grants program. The recognition consists of a certificate, pin, and medallion.

Multiple Paul Harris Fellow
Multiple Paul Harris Fellow recognition is extended at subsequent $1,000 levels (e.g., $2,000, $3,000). Recognition consists of a pin with additional stones corresponding to the level.

Recipient's recognition amount level.
US $2,000 to 2,999.99 - one sapphire
3,000 to 3,999.99 - two sapphires
4,000 to 4,999.99 - three sapphires
5,000 to 5,999.99 - four sapphires
6,000 to 6,999.99 - five sapphires
7,000 to 7,999.99 - one ruby
8,000 to 8,999.99 - two rubies
9,000 to 9,999.99 - three rubies

Learn more about all of the Rotary Donor recognition programs  - click here.

Member Receives Paul Harris+6 Pin 2024-12-18 05:00:00Z 0

2024 Holiday Luncheon Photos

The holiday luncheon was a memorable gathering, filled with warmth, great company, and the joy of sharing music and delicious food.

The University of Akron School of Music Brass Quintet added a special touch, enhancing the festive atmosphere with their performance.

2024 Holiday Luncheon Photos 2024-12-17 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteer Bell Ringers December 13th

Special thanks to Mark Seward to organized this service project.
December 13th Volunteers:
  • Angie Claypool
  • Cyndi Kane
  • David Hall
  • Mark Seward
  • Doug Hausknecht
  • Katy Miller
  • John Reyes
  • Susan Colville-Hall
  • Tom Knauer
  • Dan Riemenshneider
  • Judith Seward
  • Hugh Alpeter
  • Karen Taylor
Volunteer Bell Ringers December 13th 2024-12-13 05:00:00Z 0
Ticket Sales Competition Karen Hrdlicka 2024-12-10 05:00:00Z 0

John Reyes, PDG Discussed Youth Protection on December 10th 

PDG John Reyes started and led the District Youth Protection Committee for several years.  He and the committee wrote, and are an integral part of ensuring that clubs follow, the Youth Protection guidelines.  This also includes making sure that all of our members take the youth protection awareness training.
By reviewing real-life scenarios, John aimed to illustrate the potential risks and challenges clubs might face, emphasizing the importance of strict adherence to these guidelines.  You can find the guidelines and best practices by clicking here.
Rotary International strives to create and maintain a safe environment for all youth who participate in Rotary activities. To the best of their ability, Rotary members, their partners, and other volunteers must safeguard children and young people with whom they come into contact and protect them from physical, sexual, and psychological abuse.

Since our Club participates in and supports many Youth programs, all RC of Akron members must complete the online Youth Protection Awareness Training. A custom/unique link will be sent to you from our YPO Chair.
Our Club is currently working through this process, so watch your emails and when this link arrives be sure to complete the survey in a timely manner.  Failure to do this training may result in your inability to participate in some meetings and programs, including service projects.

This youth protection survey will need to be taken annually by all club members. 
John Reyes, PDG Discussed Youth Protection on December 10th 2024-12-10 05:00:00Z 0

Club Supports CoCoDA

President Billow presented a $1,500 check on December 10 to PDG Larry Lohman who chairs the CoCoDA Water Project for El Salvador.
Past President Knauer also surprised the Club and Larry by donating an additional $500 from his year as Club President through a fund maintained by our Akron Rotary Foundation for President's to use at their discretion.
Club Supports CoCoDA 2024-12-10 05:00:00Z 0

2024 Volunteer Bell Ringers December 6th

If anyone has more photos, send them to Cheryl for our photo archives!
Shift 1
Mella Castner
Angie Claypool
Shift 2
Cyndi Kane
Doug Kohl
Shift 3
Virginia Addicott
Mark Seward
Shift 4 and 5
Fred Carter
David Hall
Shift 6
Stew Buchanan, PDG
Cherie Buchanan
Shift 7
Laura Horovitz
Dan Riemenschneider
Shift 8
Michael H. Gladysz
Dan Riemenschneider
2024 Volunteer Bell Ringers December 6th 2024-12-10 05:00:00Z 0
Akron Rotary Holiday Luncheon December 17, 2024 2024-12-08 05:00:00Z 0

Tina Graver Makes an Impact Planting Trees with APS Students

Akron Rotarian Tina Graver was featured in this Akron Public Schools project and press release. 
Thank you Tina for all you do in the community!
Information supplied by APS
Joanne Isaac, Assistant Director, Marketing Communications
For additional Information, contact:
Joanne Isaac, Assistant Director, Marketing Communications, 10 N. Main St., Akron, Ohio 44308-1958
330.761.3057, jisaac@apslearns.org
APS - Tree Planting at Voris, Sam Salem, David Hill, Mason and Leggett CLCs
by Marilyn Miller Paulk, APS Storyteller
Dec. 2, 2024 -- Fourth-graders were excited to get their hands dirty after learning they were going outside to plant trees.
About 150 students from five Akron public schools got a lesson on the environment and the proper way to plant a tree. Voris, Sam Salem, David Hill, Mason and Leggett CLCs were chosen by APS Facilities Services as the CLCs that had the least amount of greenery in the school system and could use more shrubbery.
“Are you ready to get dirty? Who wants to help me?,” said Tina Graver, a certified master arborist or ‘tree doctor,’ as she cheered on the students at Voris. “The first step is to break the roots up at the bottom of the tree so the tree knows it is no longer in the pot.” She and the children shed off the layers of dirt on the trunk of the tree.
“Now we fill the hole up with the dirt and pat down on the dirt. Who wants to get their shoes dirty?,” she asked.
The students thought this was one of the best parts of the lesson, gently patting down the dirt or, for some, stomping on the dirt but only using one foot.
“Okay, now we mulch," said Graver, who works for Petrarca Landscape Inc. “Think of a doughnut when you mulch -- thick on the outside -- so let’s put more on the outside and very little, if any, around the middle. Remember, like a donut, not a volcano.”
The mulch was made out of wood chips. The students took turns scooping up the chips, eagerly covering up the dirt.
Graver refers to the first three years of a tree’s growth as sleep, creep and leap. 
“The first year you won’t see any growth; it will grow underground. The second year, you will see a little bit of growth but not much because it will be matching what’s going on underground,” Graver explained. “But in the third year, you will start to see some growth.”
Akron Public Schools teamed up with the City of Akron’s Keep Akron Beautiful and Graf Growers for the tree planting event. The school board approved the initiative last month. Graf Growers donated 10 trees, two for each school.
“We’ve been working with Keep Akron Beautiful on the plant-a-tree initiative and learned that parks and schools could benefit,“ said Lisa Graf, co-owner of Graf Growers. “They are maple trees, which give off a brilliant orange color in the fall. They are big trees and will grow 40-50 feet tall and 30-40 feet wide.”
She said the best time to plant them is in the fall and spring.
The CEO of Keep Akron Beautiful, Jacqui Ricchiuti, worked with Katrina Halasa of APS in an effort to revitalize an Arbor Day (April 25) activity when this opportunity came up.
“Keep Akron Beautiful wants to plant 100,000 trees by 2034.” said Ricchiuti. “If we don’t do this, the canopy will decrease to 30 percent by 2040. We are losing 6,540 trees annually; this is why we are doing our best to get all of these trees planted.”
Katrina Halasa, the supervisor of science and health for grades K-12, said the purpose was to educate the children about why it’s important to have trees and to expose them to different job opportunities, like forestry.
Bryan Ressler, APS grounds foreman, said his department dug the holes for the trees ahead of time and selected open areas, not too close to the curbs and in areas where people can see them.
Ressler said that since Leggett doesn’t have a lot of space, the trees were planted at the corner of Allen and Thornton streets. The trees at Mason were planted in the playground area. Graver said, in about 10 years, each tree could grow as tall as 60 feet, sizable enough to put a swing on it.
The students were all smiles after their hands-on learning experience as they headed back to the school building.
“This was a wonderful opportunity for the students,” said Amber Steele, principal at Voris CLC. “The trees are right in front of the classrooms, so they get to watch their progress.”
Tina Graver Makes an Impact Planting Trees with APS Students 2024-12-04 05:00:00Z 0

2025 Grant Cycle Open until January 31st

The Rotary Club of Akron and the Akron Rotary Foundation 2025 Grant Cycle is officially open. Grants between $1,000 and $15,000 will be considered via an application process which ends January 31, 2025. 
Projects must fall within Rotary’s areas of service which include Peace & Conflict Prevention; Disease Prevention; Water &Sanitation; Maternal/Child Health & Welfare; Basic Education/Literacy; Economic/Community Development or the Environment.
ROTARIANS:  Spread the word to impactful community service providers!  Encourage them to apply by January 31, 2025, via the application link below.  If you have questions, email Sandy_Naragon@yahoo.com.
2025 Grant Cycle Open until January 31st 2024-12-03 05:00:00Z 0

Our Newest Members of The Rotary Club of Akron

President Billow inducted three new members into the club on December 17, 2024
sponsored by Thane Billow
 sponsored by David Miller
sponsored by Doug Hausknecht
You can  click on each graphic below to enlarge the content
Our Newest Members of The Rotary Club of Akron 2024-12-03 05:00:00Z 0

Akron Rotary Club, Camp and Foundation Officers Elected for 2025

The Annual Meeting of the Rotary Club of Akron was conducted on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.
A key purpose of our Annual Meeting is to ratify the election of Officers and Directors for the Club, the Rotary Camp Board, and the Akron Rotary Foundation.
Below are the election results ratified accordingly at the meeting:
Club, Foundation, and Camp Election Results:
Executive Team 7/1/2025 – 6/30/2026:
  • President:  Katy Miller
  • President-Elect: Michael Gladysz
  • Vice-President: Cyndi Kane
  • Secretary: Terry Dalton
  • Treasurer: Brian Kosarko
Directors 7/1/2025-6/30/2028
  • Hugh Alpeter
  • David Hall
  • David Miller
  • Marissa Rufe

Akron Rotary Foundation 
Board Members term 1/1/2025 – 12/31/2027
  • Sandy Naragon
  • Tom Knauer
  • Anne Jorgenson
Akron Rotary Camp
Board Members term 1/1/2025 – 12/31/2027
  • Bill Manby, Jr.
  • Sandy Naragon
  • Pat O'Neill
  • Steve Wessel (Non-Rotarian)
  • Mike Wojno
Minutes were respectfully recorded by Terry Dalton, Akron Club Secretary & Scholarship Chair 
Akron Rotary Club, Camp and Foundation Officers Elected for 2025 2024-12-03 05:00:00Z 0
Laura Duda becomes Newest Member of Akron Rotary Club 2024-12-03 05:00:00Z 0

Hot Meal and Food Pantry Service Project Recap

Father Dean of  Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church asked for our help with a very important service project that took place November 26th.  
On this night, the Food Pantry and Hot Meal programs were combined.
Our Rotarians showed up in force to volunteer between 4pm-7pm -- THANK YOU.
The food pantry included a variety of produce, canned goods, boxed goods, paper products and much more!  There was also a clothing area. 
Guests were offered a hot meal and in addition they could get a take-home hot meal that included turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and side dishes to serve a family of four.
Our volunteers helped in all areas: the food pantry line, serving hot meals, bussing/cleaning tables, monitoring the dessert tables and clothing areas and assisting those who needed help to take packages to their cars.  
The need in our community was evident - people were there 2 hours prior to the doors opening and the line was continuous through the 5pm-7pm time frame.
It is estimated that they will feed between 1200-1600 people through their program in December.  
Following the project, a little pizza and libations were enjoyed by those who could attend.
Hot Meal and Food Pantry Service Project Recap 2024-11-27 05:00:00Z 0

Father Valencheck Presented Nov 26th

Father Valencheck of St. Sebastian parish was a great speaker. 
Sharing some insights to making small changes to make big changes!
Photo L-R: Past President Tom Knauer, Father Valencheck, President Thane Billow
Father Valencheck Presented Nov 26th 2024-11-27 05:00:00Z 0

Feb 1st - Chili Open 2025!!

If your club president doesn't wear a Golf Beanie are you even in Rotary????🤣
Club President Nathanael Billow and Club President-Elect Katy Miller are chairing the 2025 Akron Chili Open.
At our kick-off they made the call to action for volunteers.
Find a member to purchase your chili open raffle tickets today or
visit chiliopen.net and purchase your tickets or sponsorship online.
Feb 1st - Chili Open 2025!! 2024-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Nov. 19th - Akron Rotary’s Chili Open Golf Classic Kick-Off

Winter is fast approaching, so it is time for Akron Rotary to kick off event preparations for our 35th annual Chili Open Golf Classic benefiting Rotary Camp for Children with Special Needs, Inc. The event will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2025, at Hale Farm & Village, Bath, Ohio.

Join us next Tuesday, November 19 at our weekly Club luncheon meeting, to become part of our annual fundraising event. Proceeds from the Chili Open helps to ensure no camper is ever turned away from attending Rotary Camp due to their family’s inability to pay.

For 100 years, Rotary Camp has been the main project of the Akron Rotary Club. We need 100% involvement of our Rotarians to ensure that our Camp continues to be a major resource in the Akron community in providing campers with special needs the opportunities to experience traditional campaign activities, develop friendships, learn life skills, and create memories to last a lifetime!

Learn from our Chili Open leadership on ways to get involved to help us meet our event goal, We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

Nathaniel Billow and Katy Miller
Chili Open 2025 Event Chairs

Nov. 19th - Akron Rotary’s Chili Open Golf Classic Kick-Off 2024-11-13 05:00:00Z 0

Club recognized for support of 2023-2024 End Polio Now Campaign

At the recent Foundation Gala, The Rotary Club of Akron was presented a certificate of appreciation  for its financial support of End Polio Now.
Past President Knauer could not be in two places at the same time (his daughter was receiving an award the same night) so President Elect Katy Miller accepted on his behalf and then presented it to Tom at our weekly meeting.
Thank you to all who contributed to this endeavor.
Club recognized for support of 2023-2024 End Polio Now Campaign 2024-11-12 05:00:00Z 0

Nov. 26th - Service Project at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church: Thanksgiving Food Packaging

Father Dean has asked for our help with a very important Service Project in just over two weeks.
The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church will be serving 300-400 boxed Thanksgiving Dinners through their Food Pantry.  
It is estimated that they will feed between 1200-1600 people.  Each dinner will include turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and side dishes to serve a family of four.  Each catered meal will be served in nice plastic containers to ensure an added measure of dignity for those being served.  
We need all hands on deck!  If you can find time in your schedule and in your heart to help make a difference for these families, please do so! Sign up now!
Michael and I will be there, and we would love to work with you!
Date: Nov 26, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (you can sign up for the whole time or shifts are also offered)
Location: 129 S. Union Street, Akron, OH 44304
Yours in Rotary Service,
Cyndi Kane
Chair, Service Committee 2023-24
Nov. 26th - Service Project at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church: Thanksgiving Food Packaging 2024-11-12 05:00:00Z 0

Speaker Recap November 12, 2024

The Rotary Club of Akron had the pleasure of listening to Ron Paydo, Market President of the Huntington National Bank Akron/Canton.  Ron Paydo serves as Market President for the Akron-Canton area, having previously worked as Dedicated Business Banking Group Director and Community President in Medina, Ohio. Ron has been with Huntington or previous banks since 1987, when he began his banking career as a Management Trainee with FirstMerit Bank.
Ron began his presentation recalling his years as a Rotarian in Wadsworth and Medina.  He still feels he is a Rotarian at heart.  Over the years he and his wife have sponsored 6 Rotary Youth Exchange students.
Ron stated that he and his wife have been foster parents for 30 years.  Over the years, he and his wife have fostered 200 children.  Currently he works a lot with the Summit County Children Services Board.  Currently Summit County has 900 children in Foster Care. There are many other children in need of foster care, but homes are not available.  Ron stated that the need has never been greater.
Children stay in foster care from a few months to 2 years.  The ultimate goal is to reunite the children with their families if possible or after two years, attempt to have the children adopted.  Ron feels very strongly that children from the same family being placed in foster care should not be separated.  It is traumatic enough that they are being removed from their home, yet alone being separated from their siblings. 
Individuals wishing to consider being foster parents have several options.  In addition to what Ron and his wife have done for 30 years, individuals interested in being a foster care provider can be a respite foster care provider which gives foster parents a break, or they can become a Guardian ad Litem. A guardian ad litem is an individual appointed by the court to represent the best interest of a minor child in legal proceedings.
Rotarians who might be interested in either fostering a child or serving as a guardian ad litem can contact the Summit County Children Services Board by calling 330.379.1990.  Check out their website at www.summitkids.org.
Speaker Recap November 12, 2024 2024-11-12 05:00:00Z 0

Dec 3rd - Akron Rotary Club Annual Meeting

The Annual Ballot was emailed under separate cover from Karen Hrdlicka.
Please check your email and be sure to vote!
Need a ballot?  Click here
Those who cannot join us in person
are invited to join via ZOOM - CLICK HERE
Meeting ID: 825 5598 0150
Passcode: 212841
Dec 3rd - Akron Rotary Club Annual Meeting 2024-11-06 05:00:00Z 0

Reality Check: Transforming Education Today, Empowering Talent Tomorrow - Presentation Recap

Lisa A. Gray is the founding president of Ohio Excels. Gray’s career has been dedicated to improving the educational outcomes of ALL of Ohio’s students.  She presented to our Club on November 5.

Gray helped us understand more about Ohio Excels and talked about an exciting new tool that they created to gauge Ohio's progress in unleashing learning potential, creating economic mobility and preparing and empowering tomorrow's talent.

Reality Check begins by examining today’s open jobs paying more than $50,000 annually. It then considers jobs forecasted in 2031 and the expected education levels necessary to secure those jobs. To offer a snapshot, it compares the expected education levels associated with the forecasted jobs and the education and training outcomes of the Class of 2017, the latest available high school graduate outcome data.

To put the numbers in context, Reality Check identifies three “Essentials for Career Success” that affect learners in secondary education and four “Predictors of Future Success” that matter most for learners in their earliest years. Reality Check considers these the most significant levers to transform and improve Ohio’s education system.

Major corporations like Amgen, AWS, Google, Honda-LG, Intel, and others are joining longstanding employers in the state to launch significant new, high-tech investments. Sectors such as retail trade, advanced manufacturing, battery technology, information technology, renewable energy, telecommunications, and biological sciences are rapidly growing.

View the full PowerPoint Presentation by clicking here


Reality Check: Transforming Education Today, Empowering Talent Tomorrow - Presentation Recap 2024-11-06 05:00:00Z 0

Akron-Canton Airport President & CEO Presentation Recap

Akron-Canton Airport President & CEO, Renato "Ren" Camacho presented at our Club meeting October 29th.   
What an informative presentation! 
He started by asking "do you know who owns the Akron-Canton Airport?"  Everyone was thinking and finally one person said "We do".  
It is indeed a public entity, governed by an eight-member Board of Trustees and operates on the revenues generated at the airport; zero local tax dollars!
They expect about 745,000 passengers through 2024 and offers the average lowest cost airfare. 
The mission is to offer our customers an exceptional travel experience while serving as a major driver in the economic growth of Northeast Ohio; an approach that manages our business sensibly plus remains socially and environmentally responsible.
The Vision:  By promoting superior customer service, maintaining fiscal responsibility, and constantly investing in the improvement of the travel experience through innovation and employee engagement, we will continue to be a better way to go.
There have been, and continues to be, airport improvements including gate modernization, pavement projects and continued guest enhancements.
The airport is on 2,700 acres and boasts Foreign Trade Zone status with major tenants such as FedEX, DHL, Walmart and Graco.  West General Aviation Area Plan makes up about 80 acres available for expansion and it is home to the Ohio National Guard's Army Aviation Support Facility - Blackhawk and Chinook operations.
Ren explained the business development efforts also underway for the West Side Development Area/Business Parks.
Did you know there is an area of the property dedicated to Sustainability Projects and Initiatives?  This includes a Honey Bee Farm and Harvesting.
Ren provided a great overview and many facts and figures about the airport  - you can view these in the PowerPoint slides - click here.
Renato “Ren” Camacho is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Akron-Canton Airport following a unanimous appointment by the Airport Authority’s Board of Trustees in 2018.
Ren’s core responsibilities include leading a 60+ member team of airport employees, strategic planning for the future of the airport, and directing all capital improvement programs. Specifically, Ren ensures the airport is a vital, economic engine that increases economic activity and pride to Northeast Ohio.
Ren has over 30 years of professional experience in the aviation and transportation engineering sectors, specializing in program management and customer service. He has implemented over $400M of federally- and locally-funded projects for initiatives including: runway safety area improvements, master plans, lease negotiations with airlines, economic development, and airport infrastructure projects.
Most recently, Ren served as Chief of Planning and Engineering with the City of Cleveland’s Department of Port Control which oversees Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, Burke Lakefront Airport, and the Lakefront Harbors. Prior to his Cleveland tenure, Ren spent 14 years with the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, working in various capacities to complete major capital infrastructure projects including the World Trade Center site, George Washington Bridge, NY metro airports, Port Authority Bus Terminal, and Holland/Lincoln Tunnels.
Throughout his career, Ren has strived to positively shape the operational and business elements of long-range infrastructure, facility planning, and development initiatives. He possesses a sound knowledge of FAA requirements including airport certification, security, planning, noise compatibility, master plans, lease agreements, and grant assurances.
Ren received his Masters Degree in Transportation Planning & Engineering from the Tandon School of Engineering at New York University and Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He serves on numerous boards and organizations in the Akron-Canton region, including the ACE Mentor Program of Greater Akron-Canton, Akron Summit Convention Visitors Bureau, Aultman Health Foundation, Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce, Greater Akron Chamber, Kent State University Board of Trustees, Stark Economic Development Board, and Visit Canton. He is also an advisor to Akron Public Schools’ College and Career Academies at Firestone HS. He is a proud graduate of Leadership Akron’s Class 40 and is one of Crain’s Cleveland Business 2023 Notable Latino Leaders.
Ren is an Accredited Airport Executive, a licensed professional engineer in the state of Ohio, and Professional Traffic Operations Engineer.
Akron-Canton Airport President &amp; CEO Presentation Recap 2024-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

Tree Planting Environmental Service Initiative 

Posted by Tina Graver
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Akron Rotarian Tina Graver has aligned our Club with Keep Akron Beautiful "Planting Change: 100K Trees for Akron" initiative. 
To achieve the goal of planting 100,000 trees by 2034 to restore the city's green canopy and maintain a balanced ecosystem, we are seeking your assistance.
They are seeking donations of trees, supplies or monetary contributions to support this important initiative scheduled for the spring 2025.
Tree Planting Environmental Service Initiative Tina Graver 2024-10-31 04:00:00Z 0

Service Above Self!!

OPEN M Ministry. 150 bags packed in 40 minutes. Rotary Club of Akron, OH was busy today in our city doing what they do best - #ServiceAboveSelf
This project is part of the Food Backpack Program for food insecure students at Innes Middle School. Akron Rotary is continuing its support of the supplemental food service through a 2024 Akron Rotary Foundation grant. 
Photo L-R: PDG Julie Brandle, Virginia Endicott, Paul Jarrett, Liv Pilon

Akron-Summit County Public Library Youth Author Spotlight was the beneficiary of Akron Rotary grant funding and service project.
Photo L-R: Cyndi Kane, Sandy Naragon, Katy Miller

Akron Canton Regional Foodbank.  This team helped pack 833 meals in only 2 hours.
Photo L-R:  Michael Kane, PDG Cheryl Warren, David Hall, Angie Claypool
Service Above Self!! 2024-10-25 04:00:00Z 0

Virginia Addicott is New Member of Akron Rotary Club

Virginia Addicott was sponsored by President Nathanael Billow who was unable to attend this meeting.
Past Club President Tom Knauer performed the induction of Virginia
and Club Vice President Katy Miller stood in as sponsor for her induction ceremony.
Virginia Addicott is New Member of Akron Rotary Club 2024-10-15 04:00:00Z 0
Annual Trick-or-Treat at Camp --- Candy Donations Requested 2024-10-15 04:00:00Z 0

Akron Rotary Camp Celebrates 100th Anniversary

On September 28, Rotary Camp hosted it’s bi-annual Rotary Camp Regatta while also celebrated its 100th Anniversary.

We not only celebrated our history, but also looked to the future by establishing the Akron Rotary Camp Endowment Fund at the Akron Community Foundation.
The evening was a remarkable success, and thanks to the community’s generosity, we raised $855,000 for the fund. This endowment will support the Camp, ensuring that the developments and improvements made in recent years are preserved for the next century. It will be a fund cherished by our community of donors, generating essential resources and income to maintain the camp's facilities and grounds.
For the past one hundred years, Akron Rotary Camp has provided many life-changing experiences to children and adults with disabilities. This year alone, we will serve over 1,100 campers through our summer day and overnight camps, year-round respite weekends, and school days out programs.
Once again, thank you for your support in helping us Create a world where there are only abilities for our campers and their families!
Please click this link to watch the video in celebration of our past!
Akron Rotary Camp Celebrates 100th Anniversary 2024-10-10 04:00:00Z 0

Akron Member Dr. Rob McGregor to dance to raise money for Akron Children's

Hey Rotarians!! Have you heard??
Akron Rotarian, Dr. Robert McGregor will be taking the stage at the Akron Civic Theatre, on October 18th to raise money for Akron Children’s.
We hope you will join him and 10 other local “celebrities” as they dance onstage with their choreography partners to support the families in the Akron Children’s Showers Family Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders. You can purchase tickets online at https://give.akronchildrens.org/.../2024-dancing.../e571435.
You can support his fundraising efforts by donating at https://fundraise.givesmart.com/.../team/DrRobertMcGregor or Text to give code: dftk31 to 71777.
He will be dancing with Gianna to a number from Princess and the Frog. Guess who is not the princess!! Please see for yourself. THANKS!!
Akron Member Dr. Rob McGregor to dance to raise money for Akron Children's 2024-10-10 04:00:00Z 0

VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED! --- Dec 13th: Salvation Army Bell Ringing - Service Project

Posted by Mark Seward
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Our Rotary Club will be ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at ACME #1 and ACME #10 in December. This is an opportunity to share an hour with one of your fellow Rotarians, family members or friends in support of a very worthy cause for our community. Below are the dates/times we will be participating.
You can sign-up to participate using the following links. We will need two Rotarians (or guests) for each hour during these two days.
1835 W. Market Street
Akron, OH 44313
Please contact Mark Seward with any questions
Thank you for your participation!

The Salvation Army Meets Human Need Wherever, Whenever, However We Can! 

The donations we collect by our Bell Ringing efforts will be used to support hard-working families stay in their homes, and provide food, shelter, and utilities to those in need in your community.  

VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED! --- Dec 13th: Salvation Army Bell Ringing - Service Project Mark Seward 2024-10-08 04:00:00Z 0

Purple Dunkin' Donuts To End Polio! -- Pre-Order by October 17th AT 5pm

Its super simple to help Rotarians eradicate Polio around the world in 3 easy steps!
1. Click on the link and order your donuts for World Polio Day (October 24th) by October 17th at 5pm!
2. Pick them up at your local Northeast Ohio Dunkin' store location on October 24th between 8 and 10am! (see list on the link for participating store locations.)


3. Enjoy the yummy purple frosted donuts! Share some with friends and co-workers!

Purple Dunkin' Donuts To End Polio! -- Pre-Order by October 17th AT 5pm 2024-10-08 04:00:00Z 0
Nov. 7th - District 6630 Annual Foundation Awards &amp; Celebration Gala 2024-10-08 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Cares

Posted on Oct 08, 2024
The purpose of Rotary Cares is to show our support for Akron Rotary members and their families when dealing with the loss of a loved one, the hardship of illness and also to celebrate the joy of a new baby, job, marriage or other events in their lives. Please <Click to Email us> to let us know of any news you would like placed here. Note that health related information is posted only with permission of the individual(s).

Last week we announced the passing of long-time Rotary member Virginia 'Ginny' Wojno prior to the obituary being published. 
Some mentioned they had not seen the official obituary this past Sunday - here is what appeared in the Beacon Journal:

Virginia “Ginny” Wojno Forney passed away on September 30, 2024.

Ginny is preceded in death by parents, Stanton and Alice Ballard; husbands, Walter Wojno and Richard Forney, MD.

She is survived by daughter, Geraldine Kiefer, PhD; grandchildren, Walter Kiefer and Virginia Corrigan, DVM and 3 great grandchildren.

Cremation has taken place. By her wishes, there will be no funeral. Inurnment St. Paul Episcopal Church Memorial Garden. In lieu of flowers contributions can be made to St. Paul Episcopal Church Auxiliary Guild, 1361 W. Market St. Akron, Oh 44313 or Rotary Club of Akron, 4460 Rex Lake Dr., Akron, Oh 44319.

Summing her life, good friend Frank Harvey once said, “She was weird but I loved her.”

Rotary Cares 2024-10-08 04:00:00Z 0

Jan. 22nd - Let's make a difference together - Volunteer for Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank Service Project

Posted by David Hall
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We're teaming up to support the Akron Canton Regional Food Bank (ACRFB). Together we'll help ensure that families in our community have access to the food and resources they need.
Details of Event:
When:   Wednesday January 22
Time:     4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Where:   Akron Canton Regional Food Bank, 350 Opportunity Parkway, Akron, OH 44307  
This is a great opportunity to bond with fellow Rotarians while making an impact in our community. 
The service project typically involves breaking down large containers of food into smaller portions for redistribution to area food pantries. 
RSVP by Friday January 17th. 
Please let me know if you're able to join us by replying to me at dhall@preferredlegacy.com or texting me at 330-714-1044.  Family and friends are welcome so please bring a guest. 
If you have any questions please call or text me.
Let's come together to embody the Rotary spirit and make this event a success.  I'm looking forward to seeing many of you there!
Yours in Service,
David Hall
Rotary Club Director
Preferred Legacy National Trust Bank
330-714-1044 - cell 
PLEASE COMPLETE A VOLUNTEER APPLICATION – If you have not volunteered with the Foodbank in the past 2 years.
Preparing for your visit, main Akron Campus:
When you arrive, please park in the front of the building or in the Dart Avenue parking lot. Use the front glass doors to enter the building.
  • If the parking lot is full, please park in the grass lot or proceed to the Shipping and Receiving parking lot on the other side of the building. 
    • If entering through Shipping and Receiving, enter through the RED visitor door and proceed to the front desk.
  • We also recommend carpooling when possible.
What to wear:
  • Face Masks are optional.
  • Safety is our priority! Please note that open-toed shoes are not permitted in the warehouse. Jewelry is not permitted in the clean- room and we recommend wearing limited jewelry when volunteering.
  • Comfortable shoes are recommended as you may be on your feet the entire time. 
  • It is best to dress in layers. The weather outside may affect the temperature inside the warehouse.
Jan. 22nd - Let's make a difference together - Volunteer for Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank Service Project David Hall 2024-10-04 04:00:00Z 0
Oct. 12th Spaghetti Dinner to Benefit the Akron Rotary Camp 2024-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

Oct. 23rd - Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank - Service Project

Posted by David Hall
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I am looking for volunteers (spouses and friends are welcome; they just need to signup for volunteering with ACRFB!) for Wednesday, October 23 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm at the Akron location which is located at 350 Opportunity Parkway, Akron, OH 44307.  
The service project involves breaking down large containers of food into smaller portions for redistribution to area food pantries.  The two hours flies by as we all have fun with the project and we get the opportunity to work with our fellow Rotarians and strengthen our friendships and maybe meet a few new people from other organizations/companies that are there volunteering as well.    
If you have any questions please call or text me at 330-714-1044.
I need a head count by noon Friday October 18th, so if you would please let me know by then if you plan on attending by sending me an email or text:  dhall@preferredlegacy.com or 330-714-1044.  I would greatly appreciate it!
Address:  350 Opportunity Parkway, Akron, OH 44307.  
Thank you for volunteering!
PLEASE COMPLETE A VOLUNTEER APPLICATIONThis is only needed if you have not volunteered with the Foodbank in the past 2 years.
Preparing for your visit, main Akron Campus:
The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank’s Main Campus is located at 350 Opportunity Parkway, Akron, OH 44307, at the corner of Dart Avenue and Opportunity Parkway off of OH-59 near Downtown Akron. Get Directions.
When you arrive, please park in the front of the building or in the Dart Avenue parking lot. Use the front glass doors to enter the building.
  • If the parking lot is full, please park in the grass lot or proceed to the Shipping and Receiving parking lot on the other side of the building. 
    • If entering through Shipping and Receiving, enter through the RED visitor door and proceed to the front desk.
  • We also recommend carpooling when possible.
What to wear:
  • Face Masks are optional.
  • Safety is our priority! Please note that open-toed shoes are not permitted in the warehouse. Jewelry is not permitted in the clean- room and we recommend wearing limited jewelry when volunteering.
  • Comfortable shoes are recommended as you may be on your feet the entire time. 
  • It is best to dress in layers. The weather outside may affect the temperature inside the warehouse.
Oct. 23rd - Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank - Service Project David Hall 2024-10-04 04:00:00Z 0
Akron Club Welcomes New Member Chief Harding 2024-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

District 6630 Governor Presented October 2, 2024

We sincerely appreciate the time that District Governor Dale Smith took out of his busy schedule to talk with our Club members. 
He discussed the importance of engagement of our current members and best practices for bringing on new members. 
Governor Smith also made time while at the Club to induct our newest member, Chief Brian Harding.
District Governor Dale Smith, Chief Harding, Club President Nathanael Billow
District 6630 Governor Presented October 2, 2024 2024-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

Oct. 23rd - Reading, Writing and Diversity - Service Project

"Youth Author Spotlight" promotes literacy, youth success, and college/career readiness among 740 middle school students from Akron Public Schools and other local school districts. This event will enrich the lives of our young readers and serve as a positive representation of diversity and representation. Justin A. Reynolds is a Black male author from Ohio to connect with our male minority audiences. He will share his journey as an author, discuss the creative process behind his books, and inspire the students to pursue their passions and dreams.
Akron Rotarians will be working in two shifts--9:00 am to 11:30 am and 11:15 am to 1:00 pm. at the main campus of the Akron Summit Library on October 23rd.  
We'll be assisting students and teachers at the photo opportunity station; monitoring the "roving" microphones as students ask questions and handing books to the author on stage while he distributes books to students!
Sandy Naragon, Chair
Grant Committee
330-256-5315 - Cell
Oct. 23rd - Reading, Writing and Diversity - Service Project 2024-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

R.J. Nemer shares insights about his role as President of The University of Akron

On September 24th, the University of Akron President, Robert (R.J.) Nemer, delivered a talk at the Club that highlighted his impressive background. A native of Akron, Nemer earned both a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (1990) and a law degree (1995) from UA. After working as an attorney, he founded a professional golf agency in 1998, which he grew into the world’s largest independently held sports agency. In 2015, Nemer sold the agency to William Morris Endeavor/IMG and took on the role of global leader for IMG Golf. His unique blend of private sector success and academic experience positions him to lead the university effectively.

"I can't think of a better place to live, raise a family and prosper than Akron, Ohio," he remarked. When asked, "What can the community do to help the University?" We all need to be ambassadors for the University, positive energy begets positive energy. Positivity is definitely something Rotarians can get behind.

Since being appointed dean of the College of Business in January 2022, President Nemer has increased enrollment in the face of declines in higher education nationally. Additionally, he has expanded relationships with regional and national employers by branding the College of Business as a place where students “experience business,” building on its strength in experiential learning.

The Board has tasked President Nemer with leading the University in its next steps toward a more sustainable future, focusing on a return to solid financial footing. The Board believes the University can establish a stronger brand, focusing on academic areas that are in demand in the market to increase enrollment.

Thank you for taking the time to be with us!

R.J. Nemer shares insights about his role as President of The University of Akron 2024-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

OCT. 5th Volunteers Needed to help I PROMISE Village and Access Community Shelter

Posted by Cyndi Kane
Fellow Rotarians and friends,
As you may remember, Rotary Camp received a grant from the Akron Rotary Club
and the Akron Rotary Foundation to assist the families residing in the I PROMISE
Village. This grant includes a volunteer component involving Rotarians.

Please join us as The Village Families and Our Friends from Joann’s come together to create blankets for the community. They have a target to make 100 blankets. A portion of these will be provided to new families at the I PROMISE Village, while Joann’s will donate some to the Access Community Shelter in Akron.

This volunteer opportunity will benefit both the LeBron James Family Foundation’s I PROMISE Village and the Access Community Shelter in Akron.

Sign up here to participate on Saturday, October 5, 2024, 9-11am. The event will be held at House Three Thirty (532 W Market St, Akron, OH 44303, United States)  in the Cabaret Room.
Please SIGN UP - CLICK HERE or copy and paste the following link into your browser.

Family and friends are encouraged to join!
We hope to see you there!
Yours in Rotary Service,
Cyndi Kane
Chair, Service Committee 2023-24

OCT. 5th Volunteers Needed to help I PROMISE Village and Access Community Shelter Cyndi Kane 2024-09-20 04:00:00Z 0

Shelter Care Service Project Recap

On July 25th, 2023 Dr. Wes Fair, President and Jessica Purdy, Director of Development of Shelter Care, Inc. presented to our Club about the work that Shelter Care does in Summit County. Shelter Care, Inc. is a private non-profit agency that has served young people and families in crisis since 1972. Shelter Care has six distinct programs that together provide a continuum of residential and non-residential care including short-term crisis intervention, intermediate or respite care, long-term care en route to independent living, residential services for pregnant teens, outreach services, and outpatient counseling. Shelter Care's Mission Statement: To provide healing, restore hope and recognize the value of young people and families in need.
As part of our ongoing commitment to serving our community, Akron Rotary has partnered with Shelter Care for an ongoing service project to bring home cooked meals to two of their programs. This is the 2nd service project by Akron Rotary Club for ShelterCare!
On September 18th, 2024, Rotary members, incoming members and young professionals from CLA organized a special event to prepare cooked and ‘ready to bake’ meals for two of their youth programs (The Highlands and Shelter Home). Those meals were delivered the next day, Baked Ziti with Sausage and Chicken Enchiladas. Come join us for our next Meal Prep Service Project!
Thanks to these volunteers:
Virginia Addicott, Ben Gregory, Megan Jonaitis, Liv Pilon, Marissa Rufe, Caitlin Sokira, Kelly Unger, Cheryl Warren, Zak Williams, Darethann Krill, Tom Knauer
Shelter Care Service Project Recap 2024-09-19 04:00:00Z 0

Winner Winner!

Congratulations to Rotarian Laura Horvitz - winner of the motorized bike at the Cornhole Tournament.
She said that getting one of these bikes was on her bucket list. 
Photo L-R: Amanda Warner, Laura Horovitz, Mella Castner
Winner Winner! 2024-09-19 04:00:00Z 0

Thanks for joining our social to support our Pints to End Polio!

Thanks to all who have attended our events to date. 
Members and guests were at Hoppin' Frog to support the event September 12th.
Our next Pints to End Polio social events are listed below.
It's a perfect time and place to join us and invite your friends to learn more about Rotary.
Thanks for joining our social to support our Pints to End Polio! 2024-09-19 04:00:00Z 0

Through Dec. 5th - OPEN M Backpack Service Project 

Akron Rotary's Open M has resumed their Food Backpack Program for food insecure students at Innes Middle School.  Akron Rotary is continuing its support of the supplemental food service through a 2024 Akron Rotary Foundation grant.
Click on the link below to sign up for packing on Wednesdays from 3-4 pm and pickup/delivering on Thursdays at 9:30 am.
We've had Dr. Gerry almost single-handedly doing deliveries but she can't do it in Oct-Dec so we need some new helpers!
Sandy Naragon, Chair
Grant Committee
330-256-5315 - Cell
Through Dec. 5th - OPEN M Backpack Service Project 2024-09-16 04:00:00Z 0

Akron Club Breakfast Well Attended

Thanks to all who joined us at the Final Friday Breakfast on August 30th. 
There was great camaraderie, conversation and fellowship.
The next one will be September 27th.
Akron Club Breakfast Well Attended 2024-09-11 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Cares

Posted on Sep 11, 2024
The purpose of Rotary Cares is to show our support for Akron Rotary members and their families when dealing with the loss of a loved one, the hardship of illness and also to celebrate the joy of a new baby, job, marriage or other events in their lives. Please <Click to Email us> to let us know of any news you would like placed here. Note that health related information is posted only with permission of the individual(s).

Gabriella "Gabby" Zuschak and Nathanael "Thane" Billow were married on August 31, 2024 at St Peter Catholic Church in Canton, OH. 
Thane shared "Gabriella has always went by Gabby and she now goes by Gabby Billow 😀"
Best wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness Gabby & Thane!
Rotary Cares 2024-09-11 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Akron Members Meet up at YMCA Yazzle Event 2024-09-11 04:00:00Z 0

Volunteers Needed Please --- Food Prep for Shelter Care Service Project

We are organizing another event to prepare meals for two of Shelter Care's youth programs! I am looking for 6+ volunteers to help cook and assemble the meals and 1 volunteer to deliver the meals on Thursday, September 19th (sign up and additional details on delivery to come in another clubrunner email). No cooking experience or expertise necessary! There will be step by step instructions.
Event Details: Preparing and Cooking (Baked Ziti with Sausage; Chicken Enchiladas)
Date: Wednesday, September 18th, 2024
Time: 3:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Location: Akron Rotary Camp Kitchen (4460 Rex Lake Dr., Akron, OH 44319)
To sign up either email Marissa Rufe and I will add you to the group or there is a sign up list in Club Runner  CLICK HERE
This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a club, make a positive impact in our community, and strengthen the bonds of friendship among our members.
Your support is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to working alongside you to make a difference. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your continued dedication to the Akron Rotary Club's mission of service.
All the best,

Marissa Rufe
NAI Pleasant Valley
540 White Pond Dr., Suite A
Akron, Ohio 44320

M: 330-204-3873
D: 330-535-2661 x1325

Volunteers Needed Please --- Food Prep for Shelter Care Service Project 2024-08-29 04:00:00Z 0

2024-2025 Grant Recipients Announced

Posted by Katy Miller
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The Akron Rotary Club and Akron Rotary Foundation are proud to announce the recipients of their 2024 grant funding, totaling $15,000. These grants aim to address critical community needs while fostering broader involvement and impact for the organization.
“Identifying and supporting local initiatives that align with our mission is essential,” said Tom Knauer,, President of the Akron Rotary Club. “By partnering with these outstanding organizations, we can make a significant difference in the lives of Akron’s youth and families.”
Grant Recipients:
Akron Youth Mentorship – Third Grade Literacy Program ($5,000): This grant will support the purchase of equipment and furnishings for a new space dedicated to their Kindergarten through 3rd Grade Reading program.
Akron-Summit County Public Library – Youth Author Spotlight ($2,500 with matching funds from District 6630): This program promotes literacy, youth success, and college/career readiness. The grant will sponsor a young Black male author from Ohio, fostering diversity and representation for young readers.
Open M – Healthy Bodies, Healthy Mind Food & Games ($7,500): This project provides weekly meal packages with educational games and activities for approximately 50 low-income and food-insecure children over the summer months. This program complements the existing Akron Rotary Backpack program, ensuring children have access to nutritious food year-round.
Broader Impact, Increased Awareness.
The Akron Rotary Club and Foundation believe in the power of collaboration to achieve greater impact. These grants not only address critical needs but also create volunteer opportunities for Rotarians, strengthening their connection to the community.
Through its grant programs and community involvement, the Akron Rotary Club and Foundation strive to raise awareness of their mission of “Service Above Self.”
About the Akron Rotary Club and Foundation
The Akron Rotary Club and Foundation are dedicated to serving the community and fostering international goodwill. Through various initiatives, they work to improve the lives of others and create a positive impact on the world.
May be an image of text
2024-2025 Grant Recipients Announced Katy Miller 2024-08-26 04:00:00Z 0

Thanks for your support

Our Club does not do any fundraisers specifically for the Club.
A couple years ago, the board agreed to incorporate sponsorships designed to help support our Club and its operational needs, including technology items we needed to purchase.  
Two premier sponsors came forward to help, each with a significant donation and have signed on again through our 2024-2025 Rotary Year.
We will also have a new premier sponsor in the wings who will be joining us in 2025-2026.  

Please join us in thanking these companies and our ongoing boosters for their support in our current Rotary year. 
Their dedication and support helps keep our club strong.
Thanks for your support 2024-08-26 04:00:00Z 0

Thank you to Christopher Billow 

Christopher M. Billow serves as a judicial attorney for the Hon. Donna J. Carr at the Ninth District Court of Appeals.  He presented at our club on August 20th.
He was a very engaging and interesting presenter.  It was educational to learn about the Court of Appeals and Christopher's role. 
 A special thanks for staying after the the meeting closed to continue talking with people and answering even more questions!   
He is the brother of Club President Thane Billow - you may see the resemblance in the photo at the right!

Chris serves on the Advisory Board for Catholic Charities of Summit County. Chris is also a member of Bluecoats, Inc. and the Lawyers Guild for the Diocese of Cleveland. In the past, Chris has served on the board of directors for Torchbearers as well as the Akron Bar Association, in an ex officio capacity.

Chris graduated with honors from the College of Wooster in 2005 and from the University of Toledo College of Law in 2008.  While at Wooster, Chris was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa Society, as well as the Phi Alpha Theta Honorary for History Scholars and the Pi Sigma Alpha Honorary for Political Science.

Chris and his wife Teresa reside in Tallmadge with their daughter.
Thank you to Christopher Billow 2024-08-23 04:00:00Z 0
Aylin Mere from Belgium Visits Club 2024-08-23 04:00:00Z 0
Rotarians Meet-Up at Akron Roundtable 2024-08-23 04:00:00Z 0

Stark State College is Making a Difference

We extend our appreciation to Patrick S. Roberts, Ph.D., VP Marketing, Advancement and Partnerships at Stark State College for taking time to speak at our Club meeting on August 13th.  

He is an exceptional speaker and an experienced leader working in the higher education industry.   He provides leadership and strategic direction for marketing and communications, grants, fundraising, alumni, corporate and community relations, career services and workforce partnerships. He also serves as executive director of the Stark State College Foundation.

Recently, the Timken Foundation of Canton awarded a $1.5 million grant to Stark State to support building infrastructure and classroom technology upgrades in the Timken Center.

After earning a bachelor’s degree in 1988, Pat worked at Archbishop Hoban High School, before returning to his alma mater, The University of Akron. 

He moved through the ranks to become Executive Director of the Alumni Association and then Executive Director of Major Gifts.  He then oversaw the College Centered Development Program which included managing the fundraising efforts for 11 degree granting colleges, two regional campuses, 21 centers, 13 institutes, and university libraries.

He moved on to become the Vice President for Hiram College. Along the way, he also earned a master’s degree in Public Administration and a doctorate in Public Affairs and Urban Studies.

Roberts was recruited by Malone University to help them with their capital campaign, major gifting and planned giving. After a stint at Cleveland State University as their Assistant Vice President, he returned to Malone to become Vice President for Advancement.

He was a member of the 30th class of Leadership Stark County, has served on boards of the International Soap Box Derby and Tuscora Park Health and Wellness Foundation, was among four executives nationwide named a “Fundraising Star” by Fundraising Success Magazine and earned a Distinguished Sales and Marketing Award from Sales and Marketing Executives International.

Pat and his wife, Nancy, reside in Akron and have three grown daughters, Erica, Nicole and Jacqueline.

Stark State College is Making a Difference 2024-08-15 04:00:00Z 0
Sept 28 - You're Invited!! Akron Rotary Camp Regatta: Celebrating 100 Years Amanda Warner 2024-08-08 04:00:00Z 0

Akron BBB has Resources for Everyone

Shannon Siegferth is the President and CEO at the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Akron. She spoke to a full house at our club meeting on August 6. 

Siegferth currently leads the non-profit team, which oversees a six county service area in Northeast Ohio, in building trust within the marketplace. 

It was enlightening to hear about the vast resources available for consumers and businesses.  She discussed Scam Tracker and answered many questions from the audience.

BBB Accredited Business Video: https://youtu.be/O406oiGv8YE?si=1z06jYoFimNLnyUN

BBB Akron Summit Age Friendly Video: https://youtu.be/kC3AmpWniDg?si=0BK7Uc6HfdouZQmB
Shannon served active duty in the United States Coast Guard for over seven years. Upon her honorable discharge, Shannon obtained her BSBA from Robert Morris University and her MBA from NorthCentral University. As a Northeast Ohio native, she is extremely familiar with the local community and is excited to be back in the area after time away in the military.

Shannon began her career at BBB in 2017 within a sales role. She stepped into leadership soon after proving her abilities and now has served in her current role as President & CEO since February 2022. She is a recent graduate of Leadership Akron's Signature Program, Class 40. 

Shannon's personal interests include her family, running and baking. She enjoys giving back to the community in which she lives and works. 

Akron BBB has Resources for Everyone 2024-08-06 04:00:00Z 0

Akron Club Received 2023-2024 Club Citation Award

Under the leadership of 2023-2024 President Tom Knauer the Club has received the Rotary Citation for the year of 2023-24, the most significant award a Rotary club can achieve.
PDG Brandle presented the award and shared "your club demonstrated a commitment to achieve its goals, which ultimately helps strengthen Rotary and shape our future. Your clubs recognition is a direct correlation to your leadership and I am proud to have served along side you all this past year."
Past President Knauer said "this is truly the result of our members working together - it was a tremendous team effort".
In addition to Akron, four other clubs in the District also received the Citation:
  • Cleveland
  • Cuyahoga Falls
  • Stow-Munroe Falls
  • Twinsburg
Photo L-R:
2024-25 Club President Thane Billow
2023-24 Club President Tom Knauer
2023-24 District Governor Julie Brandle
Akron Club Received 2023-2024 Club Citation Award 2024-08-01 04:00:00Z 0

Cameron Mosley Presentation Recap

Cameron Mosley serves as the Executive Director of Bluecoats, Inc. of Summit County, an organization dedicated to supporting first responders in Summit County who have been injured or killed in the line of duty or face catastrophic needs beyond their control.

Mosley's tremendous energy and passion was evident during her presentation at our Club on July 30th. 

In her role as the primary business contact for Bluecoats, Cameron directs all strategic, programing and operational functions of the organization. She is responsible for client intake and support, community outreach, event management, volunteer coordination and donor relations. In her twenty-five years with Bluecoats, she has gained long and comprehensive experience with the safety forces in Summit County, and with that, brings a unique synergy of perspective, resources, and passion to support the local first responder community.

Cameron also serves as the Executive Director of the Safety Forces Support Center, a comprehensive mental health resource center for first responders in Summit County.

While Bluecoats’ charter in 1959 began strictly as support for widows and orphans of fallen officers in Akron, the needs – and the safety record of the community – have since allowed the organization to greatly expand its services. Successive revisions of the Articles of Incorporation have broadened assistance to include:

  • all actively serving first responders in Summit County
  • those who are killed or injured in the line of duty
  • those who face catastrophic needs beyond their control, whether duty-related or not

Beyond emergency assistance, Bluecoats has also provided wide-ranging support for initiatives that optimize preparation for duty:

  • undergraduate scholarships at the University of Akron in Criminal Justice and Fire Technology
  • continuing education grants through the Summit County Police Chiefs and Fire Chiefs Associations
  • grants to support wellness and fitness
  • grants to provide mental health resources for first responders through the Safety Forces Support Center
  • limited capital grants for equipment or programs that support multi-jurisdictional or multi-disciplinary endeavors
How Bluecoats Works

Bluecoats members join simply as a matter of conscience – they want to support those in the safety forces community, who may be in need, for having served us first. Period. Neither the Organization nor its members seek any recognition for their work with first responders, and all officers, board members and committee members provide their time as unpaid volunteers. Every request is reviewed quickly, confidentially and with utmost respect to maintain the dignity of the officer and family involved.

Cameron Mosley Presentation Recap 2024-08-01 04:00:00Z 0

Sept 19-21 - Akron Greek Fest

Come out to support the Greek Fest!  https://www.akrongreekfest.com/
Our Club usually meets at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church each week but for two meetings in September (17th & 24th) we will relocate our meetings to allow for the set up and tear down of their Greek Fest being hosted September 19-21.
Please come out and show your support at the Greek Fest!
2024 - September 19, 20, 21

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
129 South Union Street
Akron, OH 44304
(330) 434-0000

Online Ordering
Phone Number:
(313) 361-1845

Sept 19-21 - Akron Greek Fest 2024-07-30 04:00:00Z 0

Wavemakers Tame the Dragon

Posted by Susan Colville-Hall
Kudos to the Rotary Club of Akron who participated in 2024 Dragons on the Lake Festival, an event to raise awareness and support breast cancer survivors. 
Akron is celebrating two 2nd place wins!   Captain Brian Kosarko led Rotarians and friends to an awesome 2nd place among more than a dozen community teams.
In the final of three races Waemakers floated a time of 1.11.802 (one minute and just over 11 seconds) for the 250 meter Dragonboat course.  A very impressive feat!!! 
In addition, Akron’s Wavemakers brought in $1,000 for the Dragon Dream Team, securing a 2nd place finish in fundraising! Also impressive!  
Wavemakers’ plans for next year’s July 19 festival are in the works.
1st place would be a worthy reward!!   Mark your 2025 calendar for more fun with Dragons on the Lake.  
DDT is so grateful to this energetic service organization (and its Wavemakers) for its continuous enthusiastic participation and support! 
Our outstanding team!
Cyndi Kane brought the tamed dragon to our weekly meeting!
Wavemakers Tame the Dragon Susan Colville-Hall 2024-07-25 04:00:00Z 0

More Club Members Receive District Awards

PDG Brandle hosted a District awards celebration in June.  A couple of Club members were unable to be present, so Brandle presented the awards to them at a recent Club meeting.
Congratulations to these amazing members and thank you for all you do!
Left:  Susan Colville-Hall received the Robert W. Heydorn Youth Services Award. 
Right:  Sandy Naragon was the recipient of the Governor's Excellence Award.
More Club Members Receive District Awards 2024-07-19 04:00:00Z 0

Club Recognizes PDG Brandle

Past President Tom Knauer, President Thane Billow and Vice President Katy Miller presented Past District Governor Julie Brandle with a welcome home gift and a $500 check to the GSNEO from our club to recognize her service as 2023-2024 District 6630 Governor.  Also present was Past Vice Governor, PDG John Reyes who was the 2023-2024 District Rotarian of the Year.
Thane Billow, Tom Knauer, Julie Brandle, Katy Miller, John Reyes
Club Recognizes PDG Brandle 2024-07-19 04:00:00Z 0

Thank You DG Home Club Representative Miller

Katy Miller served in 2023-2024 as the Home Club Representative to 2023-2024 District 6630 Governor Brandle. 
In this role, she reported routinely on behalf of the Governor, attended many of the District events and assisted Brandle throughout the Rotary year. 
Katy currently serves the 2024-2025 Akron Rotary Club Vice President. 
Thank You DG Home Club Representative Miller 2024-07-19 04:00:00Z 0

Steve Demetriou Presented on July 9, 2024

State Representative Steve Demetriou was our presenter on July 9th. 
He spoke following the induction of  President Thane Billow. Thane's family met Steve a few years ago when he was running for office. He knocked on the front door at Thane's parents home.  Thane shared "we immediately liked him because he was young, he was Greek, and he was a green beret".
Thane said, "this shows how you can make connections anywhere!"
With respect to Rotary being non-political, he made sure this was not a "political" presentation but informative. 
Duty, Honor, Country: that’s the West Point motto which still guides Steve to this day as he serves Northeast Ohio in the Ohio House of Representatives.
One topic that was extremely informative touched on House Bill 295, which he introduced. House Bill 295  would require pornography websites to verify that users are adults, make it a crime for minors to lie about their age to access such sites, and ban “deepfake” porn portraying people without their consent.  He graciously stayed after the meeting to continue answering questions.
At the close of his presentation, Representative Demetriou presented Past President Tom Knauer and Akron Police Chief Brian Harding with Challenge Coins.
About State Representative Steve Demetriou:
He is currently serving his first term in the Ohio House of Representatives. He represents the 35th House District which includes parts of Geauga, Portage, and Summit Counties. 
Representative Demetriou studied economics at the United States Military Academy at West Point, graduating in 2011 with Dean's List honors and a bachelor's degree. After West Point, Representative Demetriou was commissioned as an infantry officer in the United States Army.
During his time in the Army, Representative Demetriou completed Army Ranger and Airborne training. He served in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom and was awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service.
After the military, Representative Demetriou started, grew, and eventually sold a small business where he employed over sixty people. He now runs multiple small businesses with his family.
Representative Demetriou and his wife Carly, a former schoolteacher, are raising their three young sons, Steven, Teddy, and James. The Demetrious are parishioners of Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church where Representative Demetriou serves on the parish council.
Steve Demetriou Presented on July 9, 2024 2024-07-10 04:00:00Z 0

Induction of 2024-2025 Club President Nathanael "Thane" Billow

July 9th the Akron Rotary Club kicked off the first meeting of the 2024-25 Rotary year.  2023-24 President Tom Knauer inducted Nathanael "Thane" Billow as 2024-25 President. Tom shared that Thane has been an integral part of the Club and under his leadership our Club will continue to be strong moving forward. Tom presented Thane's mother, Patty, with flowers and Thane with Roberts Rules - a lengthy book in very small print!
Tom said he is "looking forward to working alongside Thane and President Elect Katy Miller and the rest of the club membership in support of the community and Rotary International".
Thane is a 5th generation Rotarian, his great great uncle, George W. Billow served as the Akron Club President in 1916-17. Click to view the Billow Rotary Dynasty article written when Thane first joined the club. His father, Chip Billow, a Tallmadge Club Rotarian, pinned Thane with the President's pin. 
Thane also swore in his Executive Committee and Board. View board list.
Here are comments that President Thane Billow shared after his induction:
As my first act as President, it is now my distinct honor to “pin” Tom as our Immediate Past President. Thomas Knauer, per the bylaws and constitution of this club, I will recognize your honorable and faithful service by pinning you with a banana. The phrase originated in the burlesque theater where the top comedian was given a banana. The act and joke were so widely known that the term was coined to refer to the headliner or the main attraction. In modern times, the phrase “top banana” refers to the most powerful or important person around. For example, if you are promoted to top banana at work, it means you are the boss. And in the case of Akron Rotary, if you are presented a Top Banana pin, it means that you have done an exceptional job leading the club forward and are extraordinarily well deserving of recognition and praise for all your good work. Tom – you indeed are the top banana. Congratulations and thank you!
Before proceeding with the actual pinning, Thane presented Tom with a few small gifts on behalf of our officers and board:
  1. At the last meeting of Tom’s presidency, he shared that during his Rotary year, our club members volunteered more than 860 hours of their time to service projects. 860 hours. That is quite impressive and is the equivalent of almost 28 days. Not to be outdone, did you know, that during his presidency, Tom personally spent more time - 861 hours to be exact - on the phone or responding to emails where he fielded complaints, got yelled at, and received feedback about just how poor of a job he was doing! Tom, after putting up with all of that, I think you deserve a drink. We would like to present you with a bottle of Beluga Gold Line Vodka and Beluga Transatlantic vodka. These Siberian vodkas are regarded as some of the finest vodkas in the world. You can taste test these and compare them for yourself. You definitely deserve a drink.
  2. Serving as the Rotary president is, I am told, a very time consuming position. You’ve made a number of sacrifices and had to skip many family functions so that you could attend club events, volunteer at service projects, and I am sure you took one or two late night calls as well that prevented you from spending time with Missy, Fran and Georgie. You see -Tom is a family man, he has an amazing wife and two great kids. Tom we would like to present you with a gift card to the Diamond Grille. We also know that your son George, even though he is in elementary school, has already developed a taste for fine dining, so we made sure to get an extra large gift card so that Georgie can order a king size filet mignon from the Diamond Grille. Dinner is on us.
  3. Your final gift. I don’t think you have any bad vices other than your addiction to eating pretzel rods late at night while watching Fox News. Now that you are done serving as president, you’ll have a lot more free time. So…I would like to introduce you to a new vice. We would like to present you with these imported cigars from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. In your Rotary retirement, perhaps you can develop a smoking habit and light up a celebratory cigar with all this new found free time that you will certainly have
Goals for 2024-2025 Rotary Year
I’d like to spend just a moment or two talking about our goals for the next year.
I’ll start by reminding all of you, and reminding myself, that we can’t really know where we are going until we know where we’ve been.
Tom and the previous board did a phenomenal job providing steady leadership. There was a renewed sense of calm, a renewed sense of purpose, and we reaffirmed our commitment to service.
Our Club, just like many other clubs, had been through so much change, turmoil and volatility during the pandemic. Rotary, for many in the United States, has been a bit of a roller coaster ride.
We met in person, then remote, then hybrid, then back in person. There was a time where our club couldn’t get together because it was imprudent and potentially unsafe for us to do so. We went through 3 different meeting venues in a very short period of time. We witnessed historic inflation in the cost of food and the cost to serve food. We had tremendous difficulty securing speakers. And this all had a negative impact on attendance and membership.
Prior to 2020, meeting in person for lunch at the country club was a no brainer for our working man and working woman’s Rotary club. We didn’t even have to try hard to get numerous Rotarians to every meeting. However, in the remote digital world now, it is hard to get people out of the house and out into the community. We are lucky (and grateful) to get 30-35 members at a meeting these days.
As we continue to put time between ourselves and the recent pandemic, the dust has begun to settle, and we as a community and we as a club have learned to adapt in this new world. We are evolving, and we are changing, and we are now at a point where we are growing our membership. The excitement is back.
Tom did an excellent job making our club more inviting and more welcoming to all members. It doesn’t matter if you come to meetings once a week, once a month, or once a year…if you are a Rotarian, you matter to us, and we are grateful for your membership in our club. If you can’t make Tuesdays at noon, but you can make a few service projects here or there, great! You matter to our club. Or if you can only make the annual Chili Open, that too, is just fine. We are proud to have you as a member in our club. Thank you for supporting our camp.
Rotarians come in all shapes and sizes. Each of us have unique gifts. It doesn’t matter if you can only be a doer, a donor, or a door opener, you matter to our Club. If you are all three, then even better – you should serve on the board! Thank you for sharing your talents with our club and our community.
Being an Akron Rotarian is not a status symbol. We are not a social club or a country club. We are a service organization. We are here to work. Thanks to the profound leadership of President Tom Knauer, our Service Project Chair Cyndi Kane, and Rotary service heroes like David Hall, Sandy Naragon, Katy Miller and Darethann Krill, we have reaffirmed our commitment to service. We are going back to our roots. This bell up here that Tom is afraid to ring with the gavel has on it engraved the words “He who serves best, profits most.” During Tom’s year, our club was back in the black. We had a profitable year. My goal is to make this year an even more profitable year.
My goal for this year is to keep the train on the tracks. We will remain laser focused on service. The foundation of our club is strong. We are on the right path forward. Our membership is healthy. We are growing our numbers. And we are making Rotary fun, inviting and open to all.
My mom is here today, and as a college professor and retired attorney, she just loves studying history and she loves learning. She will tell you, just like she told me many times, that Calvin Coolidge was one of the most effective presidents we have ever had in the oval office. Why was he successful? He didn’t do anything. He didn’t force an agenda. He got out of the way, let the American people choose their own destiny, and the country prospered because of it. With regards to my Rotary presidency, I am going to try to be Calvin Coolidge. I am going to get out of the way and let our Rotarians do what they do best – serve! I am going to do my best at serving you, our membership, and I will strive to do so with grace and humility.
The only “changes”, will be some minor housekeeping and administrative updates to a few of our committees. We are also going to try to do a monthly breakfast. Pardon me, as I know this is very exciting.
Mainly, we are getting our house in order. We are going back and reinstalling some of the discipline and structure we had in place prior to the pandemic period. This will enhance and aid three of our committees specifically.
  1. Chili Open – we are going to appoint Chairs for the chili open, and will have a formal committee with designated committee chairs. We will have our new club members serve on the chili open committee. We will follow our roadmap and stick to our schedule, we will make sure everything goes to plan. Work begins in August, and the chili open is only 6 months away.
  2. Rotary Youth Exchange – we are taking a brief pause to make sure we have our house in order by securing enough host families. We will maintain the relationship we have with Stow-Munroe Falls High School, and explore new relationships with other area high schools that could be prove to be fruitful. Jacinto Nunez and his committee will make sure we are in a position to deliver exceptional experience for all inbound exchange students
  3. Programming Committee – Gerry Kiefer has done a phenomenal job as our Programming Committee chair. Gerry has been an army of one, and while she has done an amazing job, it has also been a lot of work. Typically, from district to district or club to club, that job is the hardest one anyone can have. We have created a formal committee to get our current, past, and future presidents involved with securing speakers. This will lighten the load on Gerry. This will also expand our combined network of speakers, and will also help us attract a larger, newer, and more diverse audience at our meetings.
Finally, Final Fridays -the only other “change” or initiative that will be new for this year is to host a monthly alternate social meeting at a different time and venue. This is something that RI and our District leaders have recommended we look in to.  Final Fridays” as we are calling it, will be held on the final Friday of every month. It will be a 7:30am breakfast meeting at Portage Country Club, our old stomping grounds. The cost is $20 per person, so the same cost as a normal meeting, we be getting together, fostering connections, and enjoying friendships.
This “Final Friday” meeting will allow us to accommodate and connect with those club members who perhaps cannot make a meeting Tuesdays at 12pm, like our good friends John Margida and Pat O’Neill. Proud Rotarians, but also successful small business owners, and running a small business is a lot of work. Shame on you for working hard!
And while I am excited for Final Fridays, I must also clarify that we do indeed remain committed to Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church and to Tangier catering. Our club is blessed to be here, and we will continue to meet every week at 12pm on Tuesdays. But, we will also offer a “bonus” meeting once per month so that we can reconnect with some of those members who we may have lost touch with.
Our inaugural Final Friday meeting will be 7:30am Friday July 26th at Portage CC. In August, it's Friday the 30th, which is the day before I get married, and in September, it's Friday Sept. 27th. Bring your friends. Would love to have you there.
In an effort to be transparent, I have disclosed the master plan with you all. Thank you for coming today. Thank you to our board and officers for serving. It’s going to be a great year. Thank you all!
Induction of 2024-2025 Club President Nathanael "Thane" Billow 2024-07-10 04:00:00Z 0

Club and Members Receive Recognition from DG Brandle

Several Club members came out to the District Awards and Banner Exchange on June 27th.  
PDG John Reyes, PDG Cheryl Warren, Tina Graver,
DG Julie Brandle, Katy Miller, PDG Stew Buchanan
Congratulations to our Club and the members who received the following recognition: 
A.Z. Baker Award
President Tom Knauer
with other clubs who also earned the A.Z. Baker
and DG Brandle
Recognition of Club Training
President Tom Knauer
with PDG Julie West, Cleveland Club
and DG Brandle
Individual Training Award Recipients
PDG Cheryl Warren, PDG John Reyes, PDG Stew Buchanan
with DG Brandle
District 6630
Outstanding Leadership and Service Award
President Tom Knauer
shown with other recipients and DG Brandle
Rotarian of the Year 
PDG John Reyes, District Vice Governor
with DG Brandle
Club and Members Receive Recognition from DG Brandle 2024-06-27 04:00:00Z 0

A Message from President Knauer and Rotary Club of Akron Highlights

Serving as President of The 2023-24 Rotary Club of Akron is truly an honor.
Thanks to incoming President, Thane Billow, President-Elect, Katy Miller as well as the leadership team, club board, committee chairs, foundation members and entire club membership for your support and most of all your friendship.
I’m proud of the commitment our club has shown this year demonstrated by the 860 service hours performed as well as the record-setting amount raised for the Chili Open.
I look forward to continuing to serve alongside all of you in support our club.
Thank you all so much for the experience of a lifetime!
Tom Knauer
2023-24 President
The Rotary Club of Akron
click on image to enlarge
A Message from President Knauer and Rotary Club of Akron Highlights 2024-06-27 04:00:00Z 0
Final Fridays Breakfast Meetings 2024-06-13 04:00:00Z 0
Join Us - Summer Camp Cookouts 2024-06-13 04:00:00Z 0

Club Welcomes New Member Michael Wilson

Michael was inducted on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 by Club President Tom Knauer.
He was sponsored by Katy Miller.
Photo L-R:  Tom Knauer, Michael Wilson, Katy Miller
Click on photo to enlarge
Club Welcomes New Member Michael Wilson 2024-06-04 04:00:00Z 0

Akron Club to Kick-Off the 2024-2025 Rotary Year on July 9th 

Our first meeting of the new Rotary year will be on July 9th  (we are not meeting July 2nd due to the holiday week). 
The first half of the meeting will be dedicated to recognizing outgoing President Tom Knauer and welcoming incoming President Nathanael (Thane) Billow. 
The second half of the meeting we will welcome our speaker, State Representative Demetriou who is currently serving his first term in the Ohio House of Representatives. He represents the 35th House District which includes parts of Geauga, Portage, and Summit Counties. 
Please mark your calendars to join us!
Doors open at 11:45am
Regular lunch meetings are held at
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
129 South Union Street
Akron, OH 44304
$20.00 per person
includes buffet lunch by Tangier Catering
Akron Club to Kick-Off the 2024-2025 Rotary Year on July 9th  2024-05-30 04:00:00Z 0

Board Retreat

Nathanael (Thane) Billow, Akron Club 2024-2025 President, hosted a board retreat to help prepare for his year as president. 
There was a lot of good energy and discussion.
Thane will be sharing more information with all members in the near future!
Board Retreat 2024-05-29 04:00:00Z 0
Club Welcomes New Member Heather Meeker 2024-05-29 04:00:00Z 0

Sunday June 2nd - Club Members are Invited to a Cookout for Maelle

Informal RYE Committee Cookout to wish Maëlle well as she concludes her exchange year
All Club Members Welcome
Sunday, June 2, 2024
4 p.m. to 8 p.m. (rain or shine)
3890 Northview Drive
(Rachel and Jacinto Nunez’s home)
Stow, Ohio 44224
Drinks, burgers, hot dogs, chicken, and dessert provided.
Please bring a side dish
Please RSVP to: Janunez3890@gmail.com

Sunday June 2nd - Club Members are Invited to a Cookout for Maelle Jacinto Nunez 2024-05-29 04:00:00Z 0
Call to Action! Help Needed Through May 2024-05-21 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Cares

Posted on May 21, 2024
The purpose of Rotary Cares is to show our support for Akron Rotary members and their families when dealing with the loss of a loved one, the hardship of illness and also to celebrate the joy of a new baby, job, marriage or other events in their lives. Please <Click to Email us> to let us know of any news you would like placed here. Note that health related information is posted only with permission of the individual(s).


Thomas Naragon Obituary

Tom was preceded in death by his parents Dwight and Dorothy, daughter Janice, siblings Jim, Barbara Cole, and Hal. He is survived by his loving wife of 70 years Barbara; loving children Scott (Kathy), Judi (John) Timberlake, Michael (Susie), Jeffrey (Sandy), Susan (Ron) Everson, David (Ryung), special niece Adrianne Greer, and grandchildren Ethan, Christie (Billy) Barnett, Jon Timberlake, Alex, Rae, Ben (Mykaela), Autumn, Stacie (Matt) Mook, Brian Everson and Brenden Everson; 12 great grandchildren, 2 great-great granddaughters, and many nieces and nephews.

Tom was a kind, gentle man, and the strength of his family. He, along with his high school sweetheart, raised a loving and generous family. His moral character and the way he lived his life served as a daily example of a happy, fruitful life. He instilled his work ethic in his children when they helped him in his cleaning business. Tom retired from B & W and thereafter had more time to enjoy his love of baseball and golf. He and his lovely wife traveled for many wonderful years in their camper and had terrific adventures including a long trip to Alaska with their good friends. Tom will be forever loved and missed by his family.

The family will receive friends on Tuesday, May 21, from 5-7 pm at the Anthony Funeral Home Kucko-Anthony-Kertesz Chapel, 1990 S. Main St. in Akron. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Wednesday, May 22, 10:00 am at St. Paul Catholic Church 1580 Brown St. Akron, OH 44301. Interment will follow at Holy Cross Cemetery in Akron. In lieu of flowers, please consider a contribution to St. Paul Catholic Church.

Rotary Cares 2024-05-21 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Cares

Posted on May 16, 2024
The purpose of Rotary Cares is to show our support for Akron Rotary members and their families when dealing with the loss of a loved one, the hardship of illness and also to celebrate the joy of a new baby, job, marriage or other events in their lives. Please <Click to Email us> to let us know of any news you would like placed here. Note that health related information is posted only with permission of the individual(s).

Kathy Lee Humphrey, 81, entered into eternal rest with her Savior on May 12, 2024. She was born on February 5, 1943, to the late Gabriel and Margaret Sary. She was also preceded in death by her beloved husband, Charles Humphrey. Surviving the loss of Kathy are her cherished children: daughter Lauren (Steve), Holly of Akron, Stephen (Sonia), Humphrey, Christine (Joe), D'Angelo, and George (Tonya), Humphrey. Kathy was a loving grandmother of Madelyn Holly and a dear sister of Dalin Sary.

Kathy proudly worked for the Federal Aviation Administration for over 40 years She was also an avid animal lover. She was a kind spirit and a good friend. More than anything, Kathy loved her family, and she will be deeply missed.

Visitation is Friday, May 17, 2024, from 4-8:00 PM at Sunset Memorial Chapel, 6245 Columbia Road, North Olmsted, Ohio 44070. Funeral Service is Saturday, May 18, 2024, at 1:00 PM at St. Francis Xavier Church, 606 E Washington St, Medina, Ohio 44256. A private graveside ceremony will be held at a later date.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Kathy's honor to Paws and Prayers, https://pawsandprayers.org/donate/, or to St. Francis Xavier Church.
Rotary Cares 2024-05-16 04:00:00Z 0
August 2nd - End Polio Night at Progressive Field 2024-05-09 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Camp Rolls Out Smashing Century Ale! 2024-05-09 04:00:00Z 0
Fun Night for Volunteers! 2024-05-09 04:00:00Z 0

Club Welcomes New Members!!

The Akron Club welcomed Sammy Kay Smith, Ryan Miller and Matt Long. 
Thrilled to have these three new Rotarians join our roster!
Photo L-R: Akron Club President Tom Knauer, Sammy Kay Smith, Ryan Miller,  Matt Long, and sponsors, Dr. Rob McGregor and Brian Kosarko.

click on each photo below to enlarge if needed
Club Welcomes New Members!! 2024-05-08 04:00:00Z 0

The Summit Metro Parks Needed Volunteers and Rotarians Answered the Call!

Rotarians Brian Kosarko, Tom Knauer and Tina Graver, along with Guest Rotarians Garret Morgner and Riley English from Brian's Company, Twin Pines, worked to install plantings at the new River Access Area of the Cascade Valley Metro Park.  They logged 12.5 hours of service on behalf of our club.
We heard they kicked (you know what)!!  Thanks team!!
Cyndi Kane
Akron Club Service Chair
The letter below and additional photos were received from Summit Metro Parks.
Hi, Rotary Club,
I have some great news… We got the Valley View planting project completed yesterday! Thanks to your team, 185 other volunteers and SMP staff, 5250 native plants have been installed. This project is a great illustration of the community coming together to enhance the environment and provide space for people to connect to nature.
From all of the Summit Metro Parks team, thank you for being a huge part of this project. From digging holes, to ‘running’ for plants, to mulching, to assembling seed packets, to handing out snacks, to being on the standby list… you planned a critical role in making this project a reality.
Please stay tuned for a ribbon cutting event planned for July 30 as the opening date for the area.
P.S. Please share this with the others that join and I wasn’t able to connect to an email address.
A black background with a black squareDescription automatically generated with medium confidenceLisa Meranti (she/her)
Summit Metro Parks Manager of Volunteer Programs
   Your Back Yard for 100 Years
Additional photos from Summit Metro Parks
The Summit Metro Parks Needed Volunteers and Rotarians Answered the Call! 2024-05-01 04:00:00Z 0
Club Presents Check to Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank 2024-05-01 04:00:00Z 0
Aug 24 - Cornhole Tournament to benefit Rotary Camp 2024-04-24 04:00:00Z 0

Club Scholarship Night Recognizes Akron Public School Students

The Rotary Club of Akron had an enjoyable time Tuesday evening recognizing 15 graduating seniors from the Akron Public Schools. Our keynote speaker was Dr. Michael Robinson, Jr. Superintendent of Akron Public Schools, and an Akron Rotary Club member.
Students being recognized were: Public Service Pathway – Nadia Lee, Fabian Mathis, and Peighton Valentine; Health and Human Services Pathway – Aubrey Rock, Meliyse Sandidge, and Serena Xiong; Business, Marketing & Information Technology Pathway – Ke-Aira Ferguson, Rupesh Kami, Sanjil Magar, Ashley Tojil, and Al-Linaye Blake; and Manufacturing, Engineering & Skilled Trades Pathway – Justin Barnes, Isabella Baughman, Jacob Flossie, and Cameron Hinkle.
A big Thank You to the Akron Rotary Foundation for funding these scholarships each year, and to the family members and school personnel who have been so instrumental and  encouraging the success of these amazing students.
Yours in Service,
Terry Dalton
Akron Scholarship Chair
Akron Club Secretary
Club Scholarship Night Recognizes Akron Public School Students 2024-04-24 04:00:00Z 0

May 11th - Volunteers Needed for Camp Clean-up Day!

Summer is around the corner, and we would appreciate any help getting Rotary Camp ready before staff and campers arrive for the summer. Tasks will include cleaning of all the cabins, bath houses and communal areas. Cleaning supplies and gloves will be provided, but please bring shop-vacs, step stools, and dusters.
Family and friends are welcome too! We are looking forward to seeing you at camp.
May 11th - Volunteers Needed for Camp Clean-up Day! 2024-04-18 04:00:00Z 0

Aug 28 - Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank Service Date

Posted by David Hall
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I am looking for volunteers (spouses and friends are welcome; they just need to signup for volunteering with ACRFB!) for Wednesday, June 26 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm at the Akron location which is located at 350 Opportunity Parkway, Akron, OH 44307.  
The service project involves breaking down large containers of food into smaller portions for redistribution to area food pantries.  The two hours flies by as we all have fun with the project and we get the opportunity to work with our fellow Rotarians and strengthen our friendships and maybe meet a few new people from other organizations/companies that are there volunteering as well.    
If you have any questions please call or text me at 330-714-1044.
I need a head count by noon Friday June 21st, so if you would please let me know by then if you plan on attending by sending me an email or text:  dhall@preferredlegacy.com or 330-714-1044.  I would greatly appreciate it!
August 28 (register with David by 8/23)
October 23 (register with David by 10/18)
Address:  350 Opportunity Parkway, Akron, OH 44307.  
The service project involves breaking down large containers of food into smaller portions for redistribution to area food pantries.  The two hours flies by as we all have fun with the project and we get the opportunity to work with our fellow Rotarians and strengthen our friendships and maybe meet a few new people from other organizations/companies that are there volunteering as well.    
If you have any questions please call or text me at 330-714-1044.
I need a head count by noon Friday February 23rd, so if you would please let me know by then if you plan on attending by sending me an email or text:  dhall@preferredlegacy.com or 330-714-1044.  I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you for volunteering!
PLEASE COMPLETE A VOLUNTEER APPLICATIONThis is only needed if you have not volunteered with the Foodbank in the past 2 years.
Preparing for your visit, main Akron Campus:
The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank’s Main Campus is located at 350 Opportunity Parkway, Akron, OH 44307, at the corner of Dart Avenue and Opportunity Parkway off of OH-59 near Downtown Akron. Get Directions.
When you arrive, please park in the front of the building or in the Dart Avenue parking lot. Use the front glass doors to enter the building.
  • If the parking lot is full, please park in the grass lot or proceed to the Shipping and Receiving parking lot on the other side of the building. 
    • If entering through Shipping and Receiving, enter through the RED visitor door and proceed to the front desk.
  • We also recommend carpooling when possible.
What to wear:
  • Face Masks are optional.
  • Safety is our priority! Please note that open-toed shoes are not permitted in the warehouse. Jewelry is not permitted in the clean- room and we recommend wearing limited jewelry when volunteering.
  • Comfortable shoes are recommended as you may be on your feet the entire time. 
  • It is best to dress in layers. The weather outside may affect the temperature inside the warehouse.
Aug 28 - Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank Service Date David Hall 2024-04-15 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Exchange Student Maelle (Malou) Gorisse Spoke to Club April 10th

Maelle (Malou) Gorisse is enjoying her GAP year. She hails from the northern part of France close to the Belgium border and the beautiful French city of Lille. 
Malou lives with her parents and a younger brother. She finished her secondary schooling and selected to come to the U. S. before starting her studies at a French University. 
She is thrilled to be a Rotary Exchange student. 
Malou’s academic program focused on the traditional French curriculum. And foreign language was certainly part of that.   As many of you may have noticed, she is extremely accomplished in English and hopes to become a teacher of English in France someday.  She is currently attending Stow -Munroe Falls High School and participates in the District’s RYE activities.  
Malou’s 1st host family was Jen and Richard Carroll.  She is currently with her 2nd family. 
Rotary Exchange Student Maelle (Malou) Gorisse Spoke to Club April 10th 2024-04-12 04:00:00Z 0

Akron Rotary Inducts Tina Graver

Employer:  Bartlett Tree Experts
Board Certified Master Arborist, Certified Treecare Safety Professional
Indiana University Bloomington: Master of Science - MS, Environmental Science
Ohio Wesleyan University: Bachelor of Arts - BA, Botany/Plant Biology
President Tom Knauer was honored to induct Tina as a new member on April 10, 2024. She was sponsored by Brian Kosarko.
There are only 8,257 arborists in the United States* and only 7% of those are women.  Only a few women are Master Arborists and Tina is in that very elite group.
A Master Arborist is someone who has met certain educational and/or experience requirements and has passed an examination administered by a professional organization such as the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA).   
Tina was elected as a Board Member of the Ohio Landscape Association in 2022 and chairs the organization’s Education Committee which helps elevate industry practices across the state. She state that she "is looking forward to giving back and working on service oriented projects in the community".
Please introduce yourself the next time you see Tina at a meeting or service project!

*according to https://www.zippia.com/arborist-jobs/demographics/
Akron Rotary Inducts Tina Graver 2024-04-11 04:00:00Z 0
Songfest 2024 to Benefit Rotary Camp: APRIL 14th 2024-04-11 04:00:00Z 0

It's time to be Social!  Hoppin' Frog - May 2nd 

Posted by Dave Miller
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Rotary Night out at Hoppin' Frog:  Smashing Century Ale Release
Thursday May 2nd~
5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. - In collaboration with The Rotary Camp for Children with Special Needs, Hoppin' Frog Brewery will be releasing their Smashing Century Ale which celebrates the Camp's 100th Anniversary.  Please plan on joining us for as little or as long as you wish.  There is no cost to attend, outside of your own food and beverage, and all are welcome as we toast to 100 years!
Address:  The Tap Room at Hoppin' Frog Brewery, 1680 East Waterloo Road, Akron, OH 44306
Questions are welcome!
Dave Miller
Social Chair
The Rotary Club of Akron
It's time to be Social! Hoppin' Frog - May 2nd Dave Miller 2024-04-08 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Cares

Posted on Apr 08, 2024
The purpose of Rotary Cares is to show our support for Akron Rotary members and their families when dealing with the loss of a loved one, the hardship of illness and also to celebrate the joy of a new baby, job, marriage or other events in their lives. Please <Click to Email us> to let us know of any news you would like placed here. Note that health related information is posted only with permission of the individual(s).

Akron Rotary member Jacinto Núñez, a partner in the firm’s Akron office, will be inducted into the American College of Real Estate Lawyers (ACREL).
Admission to the organization is by invitation only after a rigorous screening process, making it the premier organization of real estate lawyers in the United States.
According to ACREL, the organization’s distinguished, nationally known lawyers are selected to fellowship for their outstanding legal abilities, experience and high standards of professional and ethical conduct in the practice of real estate law.  Read the full release here


Rotary Cares 2024-04-08 04:00:00Z 0

Akron Rotary Turns 110!


In February of 1914, The Rotary Club of Akron became the 107th Rotary club with 31 charter members meeting at the Portage Hotel. 

The charter members and their classifications were:

Charles B. Akers
Akers & Harpman Co.
Roofing & sheet metal construction

Fred W. Albrecht
Grocer & Founder, Acme stores
Retail Grocer
Dr. George P. Atwater
Rector, Church of Our Savior

Harry A. Bauman
B.F. Goodrich Co.

George E. Billow
Billow Co.
Funeral Director

R.R. Bowman
Nat'l Blank Book & Supply Co.
Office Outfitter

George W. Carmichael
Carmichael Construction Co.
General Contractor

H.P. Cohill
H.P. Cohill Plumbing Co.

George C. Dietz
Burkhart Brewery Co.
Beer Manufacturer

Freeman T. Egleson
Attorney and Assistant Attorney General of Ohio

William C. Hall
Hall-Harter Co.
Financial Insurance

Milton E. Harpster

George W. Hawkins
The Lyman Hawkins Lumber Co.

James G. Hoover
Mantels and Grates

R.B. Johnson
Superintendent, Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co.

Charles L. Knight
Publisher & Owner, Akron Beacon Journal

N.F. Laubach
Akron People's Telephone Co.
Dr. F.H. Lyder

Dr. Simon Morgenroth

Mark F. Murdock
M.F. Murdock Co.
Rubber Goods Distribution

J.O. Murphy
The Portage Hotel

Bert A. Polsky
Founder, Polsky's Department Stores
Dry Goods

William M. Shoemaker
Day Drug Co.
Retail Druggist

John F. Spellman
Merchant's Credit Association
Credit Association Manager

John J. Starr
Robinson Clay Products
Service Pipe Manufacturer

John V. Swartz
J.V. Swartz Co.

Mulford Wade

Harry Williams
National City Bank

William G. Wise
Wise Furnace Company
Warm Air Furnaces

William E. Wright
Founder, W.E. Wright Co.
Builders' Supplies

Sam F. Ziliox
Commercial printer (printed 1st Akrotarian, Feb. 15, 1915)

Akron Rotary Turns 110! 2024-03-27 04:00:00Z 0

Inspirational Message

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This week our speaker was Barbara Feld, Director of Development at Apollo's Fire.  Performing on historical instruments, Apollo’s Fire brings to life the music of the past for audiences of today. 
Prior to her presentation, Paul Jarret delivered this inspirational message, authored by famed music producer Rick Ruben, about creativity and how we each bring talents to our everyday lives.
Everyone Is a Creator
Those who do not engage in the traditional arts might be wary of calling themselves artists. They might perceive creativity as something extraordinary or beyond their capabilities. A calling for the special few who are born with these gifts.
Fortunately, this is not the case.
Creativity is not a rare ability. It is not difficult to access.
Creativity is a fundamental aspect of being human. It's our birthright. And it's for all of us.
Creativity doesn't exclusively relate to making art. We all engage in this act on a daily basis.
To create is to bring something into existence that wasn't there before. It could be a conversation, the solution to a problem, a note to a friend, the rearrangement of furniture in a room, a new route home to avoid a traffic jam.
What you make doesn't have to be witnessed, recorded, sold, or encased in glass for it to be a work of art. 
We read words, hear voices, and form in-terpretations. Then, in an instant, we produce a response.
All of this in a world of our own creation.
By the mere fact of being alive, we are active participants in the ongoing process of creation.
To live as an artist is a way of being in the world. A way of perceiving. A practice of paying attention. Refining our sensitivity to tune in to the more subtle notes. Looking for what draws us in and what pushes us away. 
Noticing what feelings arise and where they lead.
You exist as a creative being in a creative universe. A singular work of art.
Paul Jarrett, Executive Director
Akron Symphony Orchestra
c. 216.401.5310
Inspirational Message 2024-03-27 04:00:00Z 0

April 6 - Volunteer at District 6630 Four-Way Test Speech Contest

Hello District 6630 Rotarian Leaders! As you hopefully are aware, our Rotary District 6630 Four-Way Test Speech Competition is scheduled for 10 am on Saturday, April 6th.  For the second year in a row the competition will be held at Springfield Senior High School, 1880 Canton Road, Akron, Ohio 44312!
Although the Akron Club will not have anyone competing this year, we are looking for a few more judges and timers for the event, so please email Rich Cole at rcole@iamsuper.org if you are willing and able to serve as a judge or timer for this year's speech competition; either Head Judge Ron Whitmer or I will be in contact with you in the near future with related judge/timer details! Many thanks for all you do, Rotarians...looking forward to a great District 6630 Four-Way Test Speech Competition!
Rich Cole, Chairman
Rotary District 6630 Four-Way Test Speech Competition
Rotary Club of Port Summit
330-414-5258 (SUPER)
330-780-7391 (Lakemore)
April 6 - Volunteer at District 6630 Four-Way Test Speech Contest 2024-03-21 04:00:00Z 0

Make Volunteering a Family Thing!

Posted by Sandy Naragon, Grant Committee Chair
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As the Rotary Club of Akron continues to grow our community partnerships, we must be mindful of our capacity to serve.  Rotary’s worldwide motto is Service Above Self and Akron Rotary is no different. 
In member surveys, “Service to others” is consistently identified as a key reason for joining Akron Rotary. Recently, I discovered how fun it is to have my husband Jeff join me.  I took the lead of Service Projects Chair Cyndi Kane—who often drags…I mean invites husband Michael to join her!
What fun we had stuffing 130 bags of food for students at Innes School!  I encourage you to look at your schedule and sign up for a Wednesday or two and invite your spouse, significant other or child to join you.  What a great opportunity to introduce the power of volunteerism and helping others—especially another young person—to your child. 
I'm so proud of us!  Akron Rotarians have been packing food for Open M's Kids Backpack Program to benefit Innes students since the beginning of the 2023-24 school year. Let's end the school year strong! The need has grown from 100 to 130 kids, but we've met that challenge.  
We pack from 3-4 pm on Wednesdays.  Delivery to the school happens Thursdays at 9 am—I did it this morning and it only took me 25 minutes from arrival at Open M to pulling out of Innes to head home. Use the link below to volunteer.
This project timing doesn’t work for you?  There are many ways to serve—visit the website for other opportunities!
Make Volunteering a Family Thing! Sandy Naragon, Grant Committee Chair 2024-03-21 04:00:00Z 0

Nathanael Billow Attends All Ohio Presidents Elect Training

7 years... 7 years ago then club president Julie Brandle inducted Nathanael Billow into the Rotary Club of Akron. Fast forward to March 16th in Columbus where at All Ohio PETS Training, Julie, now our Rotary District 6630 governor, had the honor of pinning Thane as President-Elect for our Club 2024-25. Good luck Thane on your year ahead leading our club.
Thane shared the following on Facebook:
This is a really big deal for me and is a huge honor. The Rotary Club of Akron, OH is really important to my family and I, and I’ve met a lot of really special people, some of whom are my closest friends and biggest role models. My great-great Uncle George Billow helped found Akron Rotary in 1914 and he served as Club President from 1916-1917. My great-great grandpa Charles F. Billow was also one of the Club’s first members. Four generations of my family have been Rotarians, and together, we’ve helped maintain 110 years of active membership in Akron Rotary.
I have a lot of great memories of Rotary growing up, and I feel like it was just yesterday that my grandpa told me that I should be a funeral director and a Rotarian, because “Billow’s were really good at being both.” I remember going to my first Chili Open with my dad when I was probably 4 or 5 years old. I remember when John Daily invited me to Rotary as his guest in 2017 and how he offered to sponsor me into the club. I can remember how nervous I was to get sworn in by Julie Brandle, and how my mom and dad Charles Martial Billow came to support me. I remember when I met my Rotary Mentor Dr. Robert McGregor and how impressed I was with him. He introduced me to David Miller, Connor Jarvis and Brian Kosarko, and I remember how we all would get in trouble at meetings for routinely sitting together! I remember getting lunch with Rotary Jack Harig at Rockne’s so that he could pass on stories of our Club’s history. I remember sitting with Tom Knauer at one of our meetings and thinking to myself “man, that guy is pretty sharp and we have a lot in common. I should probably be friends with him.”
And now, all these years later, I have the privilege of following my now good friend Tom Knauer by serving as the President of Akron Rotary. It was extra special that District Governor Julie Brandie was there to pin me at All Ohio PETS this evening.
I hope I make my family, my future wife Gabby Zuschak, my Rotary friends, and our Akron Club proud. I know my grandpa Chuck Billow and John Daily will be rooting for me from Heaven (and yes, they both still have perfect attendance).
Nathanael Billow Attends All Ohio Presidents Elect Training 2024-03-20 04:00:00Z 0

Akron Rotary Members and Friends Help at Foodbank

We had a good turnout of 11 volunteers from rotary and friends.  We broke down large bags of GoJo Soap and bottled them in smaller 12 ounce bottles for distribution to local food pantries. WE bottled 1008 pounds of soap in about an hour and half. Good times working and talking with our fellow Rotarians and volunteers was had by all.
Akron Rotary Members and Friends Help at Foodbank David Hall 2024-03-10 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteers Needed for 2024 City of Green's Breakfast with the Bunny - March 23rd

Posted by Cyndi Kane
The City of Green needs volunteers for their "Breakfast with the Bunny" event.
Kitchen Volunteers:  8:30am-10:30am, 10:30am-12:30pm
Breakfast Servers:  8:30am-10:30am, 10:30am-12:30pm
Clean up Crew:  12:30pm-1:30pm
Join us for the Breakfast with the Bunny and Easter Egg Hunt at Queen of Heaven, hosted by the City of Green and Ohio's Parent Mentor Project. Tickets are required for the breakfast. The Easter Egg Hunt is free to attend. Thank you to Girl Scout Troop #90109 for stuffing the eggs!  
WHERE: Queen of Heaven, 1800 Steese Rd
WHEN: Saturday, March 23, 2024
TIME: See Schedule of Events Below
COST: Breakfast tickets are pre-sale only -- Individual Ticket $6; Seniors and Youth (Ages 4-17) $4; Children 3 & under - Free

Inclusion Egg Hunt - 9:30 am (Free)
Inclusion Breakfast - 10:00 am (Tickets Required)
General Public Breakfast - 10:30 am (Tickets Required)
General Public Egg Hunt - 12:00 pm (Free)
Everyone will gather at the Patriot Playground behind the John Torok Community Center at the start of the event for instructions; the hunt will then be in the surrounding area.  The rules of the Easter Egg Hunt are as follows: There are two age groups - 5 years and under and 6 to 10 years old (parents can assist the 5 and under group); NO running; and, a limit of six eggs per child (verify your six eggs for a prize).  Rain or shine (unless it is storming), no rain date.  Please bring your own Easter basket. 
Parker and the Easter Bunny will be on hand for pictures!
Volunteers Needed for 2024 City of Green's Breakfast with the Bunny - March 23rd Cyndi Kane 2024-03-09 05:00:00Z 0

THANK YOU for Making March HAPPY!

Posted by Katy Miller
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Katy asked our Club to
make March HAPPY
and you did!!
Every Tuesday in March, Happy Dollars were collected and will go to the Akron-Canton Foodbank for their campaign!   
President Tom also announced that the club will match total happy dollars collected.
Thank you for your support.
About the Campaign:
After attending the Akron Canton Regional Foodbank Harvest for Hunger kickoff luncheon, Rotarian Katy Miller brought to Club President Tom the idea of collecting Happy Dollars for the month of April for the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank.
The Foodbank is able to take $1 and turn that into 3 meals!  That's right....One dollar = 3 meals.  They can accomplish this with their bulk purchasing and agreements with their suppliers. 
2023 proved to be the highest demand of  all time, more than 3 million visits were made to the hunger relief network the Akron Canton Regional Food Bank is a part of.  
Families should not have to choose between nourishing food and rent.  Every little bit helps and Akron Rotarians are here to do what we can.
Katy Miller
Rotary Club of Akron, Vice President
The Akron Rotary Foundation Board, Vice President
THANK YOU for Making March HAPPY! Katy Miller 2024-03-07 05:00:00Z 0

Help Make March HAPPY

Posted by Katy Miller
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After attending the Akron Canton Regional Foodbank Harvest for Hunger kickoff luncheon, Rotarian Katy Miller brought to Club President Tom the idea of collecting Happy Dollars for the month of April for the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank. 
They are able to take $1 and turn that into 3 meals!  That's right....One dollar = 3 meals.  They can accomplish this with their bulk purchasing and agreements with their suppliers. 
2023 proved to be the highest demand of  all time, more than 3 million visits were made to the hunger relief network the Akron Canton Regional Food Bank is a part of. 
Families should not have to choose between nourishing food and rent.  Every little bit helps and Akron Rotarians are here to do what we can.
So let's make March HAPPY You can also pay Venmo or PayPal payment to Katy Miller if you don't carry cash:   @RadiantStylebyKaty
Every Tuesday this month, Happy Dollars collected will go to the Food Bank for their campaign!   
President Tom also announced that the club will match total happy dollars collected this month!
Katy Miller
Rotary Club of Akron, Vice President
The Akron Rotary Foundation Board, Vice President
Help Make March HAPPY Katy Miller 2024-03-07 05:00:00Z 0

Brain Injury Association of Ohio Call for Volunteers for March 22, 2024

Posted by Lauren Holly

We are seeking volunteers to help with this event, Resilient Minds:  Artistry After Injury benefiting The Brain Injury Association of Ohio.  

Volunteers will be picking up food from local restaurants/caterers, serving appetizers, and closing the auction.

Event Details:

March 22, 2024 

Volunteers needed  5pm - 9pm for one and two hour time slots

Location:  Highland Universal Gatheringspot (HÜG)
2133 Merriman Road, Akron, OH 44303



Resilient Minds:  Artistry After Injury benefiting The Brain Injury Association of Ohio.  

"Resilient Minds: Artistry After Injury" is a full day event designed to celebrate the abilities and talent of brain injury survivors through various forms of art including multi-media and movement.  The Resilient Minds event will include a multi-media art gallery featuring art by survivors and artists, interactive artistry workshops (canvas painting projects, dance lessons, mindfulness/yoga) led by a local artist, and an evening event featuring various dance, music and other artistic performances.

Survivor Art Gallery
Performing Arts
Art Workshops for Brain Injury Survivors and Caregivers
Contact me for further information.
Lauren Holly
Brain Injury Association of Ohio Call for Volunteers for March 22, 2024 Lauren Holly 2024-02-27 05:00:00Z 0

Thank you to our speaker

Stephanie York serves as executive director of the Shaw Jewish Community Center of Akron.  She spoke to our Club on February 27th.
The Shaw JCC is recognized for its quality programming and services in fitness, recreation, sports, and education, for all stages of life.  The JCC’s approximately 60-acre campus houses an early childhood education department, a k-8 private school, a synagogue, JewishAkron, Jewish Family Services, a full kosher kitchen with catering, two pools, tennis and pickleball courts, a racquetball court, a gymnasium, workout facilities, group exercise rooms, an auditorium, and well-equipped locker rooms with spa features, and more.  The JCC membership is predominantly from outside the Jewish community – with 1,400 membership units (individuals or families) and 1,000 active Silver Sneaker participants.
Photo courtesy of Katy Miller
Thank you to our speaker 2024-02-27 05:00:00Z 0

Past Rotary International Director, Michael J. Johns

Posted by Julie Brandle
With great sadness I share with you the loss of our own Past Rotary International Director, Michael J. Johns, who passed away peacefully on Friday evening, February 23, Rotary’s 119th Anniversary and World Understanding and Peace Day. A fitting tribute to this Rotary Warrior’s memory.
Below are the final arrangements as published - please look further for additional information on tributes to Michael, attendance at the reception/luncheon following the Mass and memorial contributions:
Visitation at DeJohn Funeral Home and Celebrations Center (12811 Chillicothe Road, Chesterland, OH 44206 - Rte. 306 just south of Mayfield Road)
Wednesday, February 28 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, February 29 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Morning Prayers at Church of the Resurrection (32001 Cannon Road, Solon, OH 44139)
Friday, March 1 from 9:30 - 10:00 a.m.
Mass of Christian Burial at Church of the Resurrection (32001 Cannon Road, Solon, OH 44139)
Friday, March 1 from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. followed by a Reception/Luncheon
Please visit the DeJohn Funeral Home website https://www.dejohnfuneral.com/obituaries/michael-johns for his obituary to RSVP if you plan on staying for the luncheon on Friday, March 1 after the Mass.
So many Rotarians have spoken about the influence Mike has had on their lives, not just as a Rotarian but as a mentor and as a friend. That is his Rotary legacy as is his life of dedication and commitment in service to those less fortunate. When Mike spoke to you, you always had his full attention and you knew “you were the only person in the room.” This man of faith loved his family above all else and lived his life by the Rotary 4-way Test in every thought, word and deed. He was always confident the dreaded Poliomyelitis would be eradicated from the face of the earth.
For those who have asked, Past Director Mike’s Rotary 'Service Above Self’ included the following:
A 45-year Rotarian, Mike Johns first joined the former Rotary Club of Hillcrest in 1979 and served as its President in 1980-81 and 2001-2002. He served with honor and distinction as District 663 Governor in 1986-87 and as Rotary International Director in 2007-2009. In 2016 he was Co-Chair of the District 6630 Centennial Celebration when we celebrated the 100th Anniversary of our own Past Rotary International President Arch C. Klumph’s vision of The Rotary Foundation here in Cleveland, OH in collaboration with the Cleveland Orchestra. Later that year, Past Director Mike attended another Centennial Celebration in the Philippines, site of the Rotary International Health, Hunger and Humanity Program to immunize six million children against the dreaded Poliomyelitis on September 29, 1979. The first such initiative to eradicate Polio so that no child will ever experience this crippling disease ever again
In lieu of flowers, for those who wish may make a contribution in his memory to Polio (or other Rotary Area of Focus), please click on the link rotary.org/donate, click on DONATE, indicate your Area of Focus and then select the box that check “I would like to make this donation in honor or in memory of someone” and input Michael J. Johns. That is all you need to do. The family will be notified a contribution has been made with your name and email address. This information is also being added to the DeJohn website tonight where other organizations are listed from which you may select.
Continue to keep all of the Johns and Keck families in your thoughts and prayers. Rotary International President-Elect Stephanie Urchick asked that I share with you her thoughts: “A tremendous loss to us and to the world he served.” She knows how much he meant to all of us.
A special note of appreciation to PDG Beverly Ghent-Skrzynski for assisting the District in Johns family communications, as well as preparing this information for me to share with all of you. Please share this information with your respective club members.
In Rotary Service,
Julie Brandle, District Governor 6630
Past Rotary International Director, Michael J. Johns Julie Brandle 2024-02-27 05:00:00Z 0

United Way READ TO ME DAY - March 12

Reading to children helps stimulate their imaginations, contributes to language development, and helps to encourage early literacy. Share your love of reading with students across Summit and Medina counties during Read to Me Day!
Volunteers are invited to visit Akron Public Schools and read stories to students and on March 12 at Cloverleaf Elementary.
Each sponsorship level provides the opportunity for one volunteer to read aloud to children in an elementary school classroom. Grab a book and join us for a celebration of the joy of reading.

Reader – $10
Supplies one book to one classroom for Read to Me Day

Classroom – $250
Supply a classroom set of a book to a classroom for Read to Me Day

Grade – $500
Supply an entire grade a class set of a book to a classroom for Read to Me Day

School – $2,500
Supply entire school with book for Read to Me Day

For more information about Read to Me Day contact Darion Karam and dkaram@uwsummitmedina.org

United Way READ TO ME DAY - March 12 2024-02-22 05:00:00Z 0

Unsung Hero Recognized

Becky Liguori was recognized by The Rotary Club of Akron for her significant contributions to the organization. It's commendable that she has stepped up to assist with processing Rotary Scholarships and supporting the Akron Rotary Foundation with disbursements, despite not being a Rotarian herself. Recognition of individuals like Becky who generously offer their time and efforts to help advance the mission of organizations like Rotary is truly inspiring.
Congratulations to Becky on this well-deserved acknowledgment, and gratitude to her for her valuable contributions!
She was nominated for the recognition by Terry Dalton, Scholarship Chair & Club Secretary.
Photo L-R:  Terry Dalton, Becky Liguori and Tom Knauer, Club President 
Photo courtesy of Katy Miller.
Unsung Hero Recognized 2024-02-20 05:00:00Z 0


Our meeting for Tuesday, March 19 will be off site at Artspace.  You must pre-register for this meeting.
We are beta-testing a new event program from ClubRunner.
Because we have this new program please read the information below as there are a few differences from our prior program. 
Please also note that registration is not complete until you process your payment.
You can also use the QR code below.
Click on the graphic below to enlarge and read about our new event program.
MARCH 19, 2024 at Summit Artspace
Join Executive Director Heather Meeker at Summit Artspace for a deep dive into Akron's vibrant artist community, and a tour of its building in the heart of the Main-Market Historic District!
Summit Artspace is a nonprofit organization that supports local artists throughout every step of the creative process. It connects artists to the resources they need to thrive, including studios and rehearsal space, galleries and exhibitions, professional development workshops, and community events like the downtown Akron ArtWalk.
Summit Artspace’s historic building has been an Akron landmark since 1927 when it was constructed by publisher Charles Knight and his son, John S. Knight, as the new headquarters of the Akron Beacon Journal. Standing three stories tall and boasting a whopping 55,000 square feet, the building has been an epicenter of excitement and creativity for nearly a century.  The Knight brothers relocated the Beacon Journal in 1938 and the Akron Public Library purchased the building in 1940; it served as the library’s downtown location until 1969. In 1976 Summit County preserved the building and leas leased portions to the Historical Society, the MRDD board, and the Akron Work Center. Today, Summit Artspace is its sole occupant. The building retains many of its original features, including a manually-operated freight elevator, John S. Knight’s safe, and of course, the ornate art-deco façade.
Noon - Assemble in 3rd Floor Classroom
12:15 - Lunch and program, (including Susie Lilley, resident artist)
12:45 - Tour - Phase I (Third Floor)
1:00 - Tour - Phase 2  (Second and First Floor)
MARCH 19 - RSVP NOW FOR OFF SITE CLUB MEETING 2024-02-19 05:00:00Z 0

APRIL 19 - Friday Morning Meeting Option

Posted by Cyndi Kane
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Friday Morning Meeting Planned:  
Akron Family Restaurant on April 19, 2024, 7:30-9am 
Please join us for fellowship with those Rotarians we may not be able to see at our Tuesday meetings. In January, we had more than 20 people in attendance and we really had a nice time!
President Knauer will provide an update on club happenings and Cyndi will update you and get input from you regarding our upcoming service projects.  We hope that you are able to join us.
If you CAN attend, please email Cyndi Kane (cyndi@cyndikane.com).  
Yours in Service,
Cyndi Kane
APRIL 19 - Friday Morning Meeting Option Cyndi Kane 2024-02-17 05:00:00Z 0

April 26-27:  DISTRICT CONFERENCE and  LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY -- Book Your Room and Save the Date 

Hey there!  Have you heard about the upcoming District 6630 Governor's Conference hosted by this year's Governor and Akron Rotarian, Julie Brandle? It's an annual gathering for all members and guests, and it's happening on April 26 & 27. Save the dates!

Why should you attend? Well, for starters, it's a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow Rotarians. With our District boasting more than 2,000 members and 50 clubs, you're bound to make some new connections and renew old friendships.

Plus, there are breakout sessions to help your club thrive and make a bigger impact in your community.

And let's not forget the chance to celebrate our Rotary Youth - from exchange programs to speech winners!

Registrations will open soon, but you can secure your hotel room now. Don't miss out on the fun and learning - mark your calendars and join us!




Special Group Rate: $139 USD per night

Click now to book!

No extensions available due to the Kayak race being in town that weekend. This hotel is expected to sell out.

April 26-27: DISTRICT CONFERENCE and LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY -- Book Your Room and Save the Date 2024-02-16 05:00:00Z 0
Akron Rotarians ARE People of Action 2024-02-14 05:00:00Z 0
THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU!!! 2024-02-14 05:00:00Z 0


Mark your calendar for our  OFFSITE MEETING
MARCH 19, 2024 at Summit Artspace
(all registrations must be received by March 14)
Join Executive Director Heather Meeker at Summit Artspace for a deep dive into Akron's vibrant artist community, and a tour of its building in the heart of the Main-Market Historic District!
Summit Artspace is a nonprofit organization that supports local artists throughout every step of the creative process. It connects artists to the resources they need to thrive, including studios and rehearsal space, galleries and exhibitions, professional development workshops, and community events like the downtown Akron ArtWalk.
Summit Artspace’s historic building has been an Akron landmark since 1927 when it was constructed by publisher Charles Knight and his son, John S. Knight, as the new headquarters of the Akron Beacon Journal. Standing three stories tall and boasting a whopping 55,000 square feet, the building has been an epicenter of excitement and creativity for nearly a century.  The Knight brothers relocated the Beacon Journal in 1938 and the Akron Public Library purchased the building in 1940; it served as the library’s downtown location until 1969. In 1976 Summit County preserved the building and leas leased portions to the Historical Society, the MRDD board, and the Akron Work Center. Today, Summit Artspace is its sole occupant. The building retains many of its original features, including a manually-operated freight elevator, John S. Knight’s safe, and of course, the ornate art-deco façade.
Noon - Assemble in 3rd Floor Classroom
12:15 - Lunch and program, (including Susie Lilley, resident artist)
12:45 - Tour - Phase I (Third Floor)
1:00 - Tour - Phase 2  (Second and First Floor)

MARCH 19th - OFFSITE WEEKLY MEETING - RSVP NOW 2024-02-11 05:00:00Z 0

Welcome New Akron Rotarian:  Dr. C. Michael Robinson, Jr., Ed.D.

We were honored to induct our newest Akron Rotarian, Dr. C. Michael Robinson, Jr., Ed.D., Superintendent of Akron Public Schools. He was sponsored by Nathanael Billow. 

Dr. Michael Robinson was born in and is a native of Thibodaux (Lafourche Parish), Louisiana. 

He has been in education for the past 22 years, having started as a substitute teacher at Thibodaux Elementary School and Raceland Upper Elementary School, a high school assistant principal, elementary turnaround principal, elementary, intermediate, junior high (Raceland Jr. High School) and middle school teacher, and a middle school turnaround principal; former Director of Priority Schools/Instructional Director in Prince George’s County Public Schools, a district of over 131,000 scholars and over 208 buildings and centers, Maryland; former Superintendent of Schools in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, a district with declining enrollment of 4,100, and the former Chief Academic Officer in East Baton Rouge Parish School System, Louisiana, a district of 40,000+ scholars, including charters, and 84 buildings and centers. He has also served as an adjunct instructor. 

Dr. Robinson is a published author, Life Coach, and educational consultant. Although he has made several transitions in his career, he attributes those experiences to the professional he is today. 

He is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons, NAACP, and Phi Delta Kappa International as well as professional organizations. 

He is a former member of Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs. 

Dr. Robinson enjoys spending time with his family, especially his mom and his dog, London-Shane. In his spare time, he enjoys engaging in community work, working out, traveling, when he can, home improvement projects, the arts, and many other things that bring him joy. 

Welcome New Akron Rotarian:  Dr. C. Michael Robinson, Jr., Ed.D. 2024-02-03 05:00:00Z 0

Breakfast gathering

Thanks to those who attended our morning gathering on January 26.  There was good discussion and wonderful fellowship!

In attendance:  DG Julie Brandle, Jack Harig, John Reyes,  Gerry Kiefer, Ginny Wojno, Dan Riemenschneider, David Hall, Sandy Naragon,  Sarah Buccigross, Julie Ann Sweet-Buntin, Michael Gladys, President Tom Knauer, Cyndi Kane,  Doug Hausknecht,  Jeff Sheeks, Mark Seward, Fred Carter, Angie Claypool.

Photo courtesy of DG Julie Brandle

Breakfast gathering 2024-02-03 05:00:00Z 0

OPEN M Volunteers Pack Meals

These Rotarians really rocked it at OPEN M this week.
They packed 100 bags of meals in record time!
Thank you for your time and service to those who are in need.
Front: Cyndi Kane
Back L-R: Cheryl Warren, Angie Claypool, Sandy Naragon
OPEN M Volunteers Pack Meals 2024-01-25 05:00:00Z 0

Thank you to our speaker

We appreciate our speakers for taking time from their busy schedules to present at our Club meetings.
Thank you Kimesha Flonnoy, Program Manager, Summit County Jr. Achievement of North Central Ohio for joining us on January 23rd.
Thank you to our speaker 2024-01-24 05:00:00Z 0


Because of last weeks’ weather, Whitey’s agreed to have an additional night for us.
Friday, January 26, 5-8pm
THIS FRIDAY- JANUARY 26TH 2024-01-24 05:00:00Z 0

Nathanael Billow Recognized 

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The Akron Club's Rotary International (RI) Foundation Co-Chair, Bill Manby, Jr., recognized  Nathanael (Thane) Billow who received his Paul Harris +5 pin.  Thank you Thane!!

Photo courtesy of Katy Miller

 L-R: Bill Manby, Jr and Nathanael Billow

About Paul Harris Fellows

Continuing the legacy of our founder, the Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.

The honor was established in 1957 to show appreciation for contributions that support our Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant.

Read more about Donor Recognition 

Multiple Paul Harris Fellow

When you give additional gifts of $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant.

Nathanael Billow Recognized 2024-01-17 05:00:00Z 0

Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Recognized

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The Akron Club's Rotary International (RI) Foundation Co-Chair, Nathanael Billow, recognized two club members who gave additional gifts to the RI Foundation and received their next level Paul Harris pins.

Sandy Naragon - Paul Harris +8

District Governor Julie Brandle - Paul Harris +3

Photo L-R: Nathanael Billow, Sandy Naragon, DG Julie Brandle, Club President Tom Knauer

About Paul Harris Fellows

Continuing the legacy of our founder, the Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.

The honor was established in 1957 to show appreciation for contributions that support our Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant.

Read more about Donor Recognition 

Multiple Paul Harris Fellow

When you give additional gifts of $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant.

Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Recognized 2024-01-17 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Cares

The purpose of Rotary Cares is to show our support for Akron Rotary members and their families when dealing with the loss of a loved one, the hardship of illness and also to celebrate the joy of a new baby, job, marriage or other events in their lives. Please <Click to Email us> to let us know of any news you would like placed here. Note that health related information is posted only with permission of the individual(s).


On Monday, January 8th, 2024, Rose Margida, 95, loving wife and mother, passed into the arms of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. She will be remembered for her faith in God, her unconditional love and sacrifice for her family, cherished friendships, and the countless lives she touched.

Rose was born on July 24, 1928, in Akron, Ohio, to Frank and Grace Sanfilippo. She married her sweetheart, Guido Margida, on June 30, 1949, and they celebrated 71 years of marriage.

Rose was a friend to everyone she met. She could outwork anybody and was always busy helping and serving others. She was an active volunteer at the Haven of Rest where she was honored as the Women's Auxiliary Woman of the Year.

Throughout their lives together, Guido and Rose were active members of the Chapel in Akron, their Adult Bible Fellowship family, and the Sons of Italy Lodge 585.
Rose was preceded in death by her husband Guido, father Frank, mother Grace, brother Jim, sister Lee and grandson Antonio. She is survived by her 6 children: Frank (Jan), Guido Jr. (Diane), Lynn (Scott), Anthony (Andrea), John (Mary), Jim (Paula), 18 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.

A heartfelt thank you is extended to the Village of St. Edward for the loving care given to Rose.

Funeral services will be held Friday, January 12, 2024, at the Anthony Funeral Home, 1990 S. Main St., Akron. Calling hours will begin at 11:00 am and the funeral will begin at 12:00 Noon. A private interment will be held at the Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery. The funeral and cemetery services will be live streamed at anthonyfh.com/obituary/Rose-Margida. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to to TheValentineProject.org or the Haven of Rest Ministries in Akron.

Rotary Cares 2024-01-11 05:00:00Z 0
Jan 19 - Chili Open Kick Off at Whitey's : Come and Show Your Support of our official "Chili" Sponsor! Amanda Warner 2024-01-10 05:00:00Z 0

Akron Rotary's 34th Annual Chili Open Golf Classic February 3, 2024  

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The Chili Open Golf Classic is a month away and we need all hands-on deck to make this another successful event!
Funding from the Chili Open helps ensure that no camper is ever turned away from Akron Rotary Camp due to inability to pay. Sponsorships and Camperships make up 75% of our event goal. Rotarians are needed to help support with sponsorships, view the updated sponsorship benefits packet here. Please consider increasing your sponsorship, renewing your sponsorship, or becoming a first-time sponsor.  We are also looking for new prospective sponsors, so please let our Event chair, Laura Smiley, (laurasmiley330@gmail.com), know if you have someone we could reach out to. Your support makes the Chili Open an annual success for our Club.  
We also ask every Rotarian to purchase or sell a minimum of ten raffle tickets at $20 each. There are great chances to win the following prizes:  
  • 1st prize is a 2024 KIA K5, or $19,000 cash prize – Thank you The VanDevere Bunch! 
  • 2nd prize is a $2,500 Flooring Credit, courtesy of Barrington Carpet & Flooring Design
  • 3rd prize is a 55” 4k Smart LED TV, courtesy of the S Group, Inc. – Thank you Rotarian, Jeff Sheeks! 
Please bring any sold raffle tickets to the next club meeting or mail them to the Camp Office (4460 Rex Lake Drive, Akron, OH 44319). Tickets can also be purchased online, by clicking on this link. Please download the attached flyer and display it at your office, or share it with your friends, family, and colleagues.
Back by popular demand is Dr. Rob’s “Wagon of Good Cheer” and Wanda’s Wine Fridge. Please help us fill the wagon and fridge with any donation of unopened bottles of spirits, mixers, and wine. We also need items for our online auction. Food baskets, golf packages, or family entertainment packages make great auction items! If you know of anyone that will be able to donate something, please let us know. If you need someone to pick up any items, please call or email Amanda at Akron Rotary Camp (330.644.4512 / amandaw@akronymca.org), and we would be happy to make those arrangements. 
Thank you for your support in making this year's Chili Open a continued success for our Club to benefit the campers who attend Akron Rotary Camp! Together, we are "Creating a world where there are only abilities!"
Laura Smiley
Chair, 2024 Chili Open Golf Classic
Akron Rotary's 34th Annual Chili Open Golf Classic February 3, 2024 Amanda Warner 2024-01-05 05:00:00Z 0

Jan 26 - Morning Meeting Option

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Happy New Year to you, my Fellow Rotarian!
I have planned a Friday morning meeting at the Akron Family Restaurant on January 26th, at 7:30am.  
Please join me for some fellowship with those Rotarians we may not be able to see at our Tuesday meetings.  
President Knauer will provide an update on club happenings and I will update you and get input from you regarding our upcoming service projects.  
I hope that you are able to join us.  If know you can be there, please email me.  I just want to get an idea of how many people will be there, so that I can tell the folks at Akron Family Restaurant.
Yours in Service,
Cyndi Kane
Jan 26 - Morning Meeting Option 2024-01-05 05:00:00Z 0

2024 Scholarship Interview Opportunities

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It is that time of the year that we begin to interview Akron Public School students for the 15, $1,000 Akron Rotary Foundation scholarships.
We will be conducting the interviews in person again this year. I am looking for two Rotarians to assist me with each of the interviews.  The time commitment is up to 3.5 hours dependent on the number of student applicants we receive for each category.
The five categories are as follows:  1) Manufacturing, Engineering and Skilled Trades; 2) Health and Human Services; 3) Public Service; 4) Arts, Media and Communications and 5) Business, Marketing and Information Technology.
Interview Dates are as follows:
Manufacturing, Engineering and Skilled Trades: Wednesday, February 14th:  8-11:30
Health and Human Services:  Friday, February 23rd:  8 - 11:30
Public Service: Tuesday, March 5th: 8 - 11:30
Arts, Media, and Communication:  Tuesday, March 19th:  8 - 11:30
Business, Marketing, and Information Technology:  Wednesday, March 27th: 8 - 11:30
I will forward the materials I receive from APS about each of the applicants a couple of days prior to the scheduled interview.
I will also send you a copy of the interview questions we use for your guidance during the interviews.
If you are interested in participating in the interviews, please email Terrence Dalton tdalton1226@gmail.com and let me know which category you would like to be considered for.  I will notify you as soon as I can as to who has been selected.  Once I get a maximum of two for each category, I will email Club members letting you know a category has been closed.
Interviews will be held at the APS administration building (10 North Main Street, Akron).
2024 Scholarship Interview Opportunities 2024-01-05 05:00:00Z 0

CAVS Night with Exchange Students - Feb. 22nd

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This is a great chance to join the Exchange Students for the CAVS game against the Orlando Magic on February 22, 2024.
All Rotarians and friends are welcome for the pregame reception and CAVS game on the 22nd.
The reception with the students begins at 5:00 pm and includes a snack with soft drinks at The Clevelander Bar and Grille at 834 Huron Street, Cleveland, Ohio.
In addition, we will have a few door prizes and a raffle for the exchange students and their guests.
This has always been a fun night, a chance to see the young CAVS and have some great fellowship.
Please see the flyer below to order tickets. Any questions, call Stew at 330-607-1442.
Stew Buchanan, Chair
GO CAVS!!!!!!
CAVS Night with Exchange Students - Feb. 22nd Stew Buchanan 2023-12-16 05:00:00Z 0

OPEN M Service Projects - can you help pack or deliver?

Posted by Sandy Naragon
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I'm so proud of us!  Akron Rotarians have been packing food for Open M's Kids Backpack Program to benefit Innes students since the beginning of the 2023-24 school year. Let's end the school year strong!
The need has grown from 100 to 130 kids, but we've met that challenge.  Use the link below to volunteer to pack on Wednesdays from 3-4 pm or to deliver on Thursdays at 9 am at Open M.
Sandy Naragon, Chair
Akron Rotary Grant Committee
330-256-5315 - Cell
OPEN M Service Projects - can you help pack or deliver? Sandy Naragon 2023-12-15 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Ring the Bell for Salvation Army

Thank you to all the volunteers who took a shift to ring the bell for the Salvation Army.
A big thanks to Mark Seward for organizing this service project and to Katy Miller for gathering the photos and posting to social media!
Rotarians Ring the Bell for Salvation Army 2023-12-15 05:00:00Z 0

Gift Wrapping Wrap Up

Several members volunteered ton December 7th to help wrap gifts for The Well CDC - Akron Hope Service Project at Mason CLC. 
It was rewarding and fun to wrap gifts for those families in need for the holiday. Thank you to all who participated!
Well CDC - Akron Hope Service Project
Rotarian Coordinator: Doug Kohl
The Well CDC's Akron Hope project provides year-round support to its neighborhood elementary school, Mason CLC.  This project received grant funding from the Akron Rotary Foundation.

One of the ways Mason CLC is supported is through Akron Hope's annual Holidays of Hope outreach that spreads joy to Mason CLC students, teachers, and families during the Holiday season. This is done by providing every student (250+) with a new, wrapped gift that gets hand delivered by volunteers.
Gift Wrapping Wrap Up 2023-12-14 05:00:00Z 0

Light Up  The Boulevard

Posted by Sandy Naragon
What an exciting time to be an Akron Rotarian!  The opportunities to serve are abundant!  So are the needs of the community. 
Akron Rotary members once again adopted a Kenmore Boulevard storefront. We decorated the window of 960 Kenmore Boulevard on Wednesday, November 29th.
The holiday celebration in Kenmore builds community spirit and promotes Kenmore businesses.
Thank you to all who helped with this project!
Sandy Naragon, Chair
Akron Rotary Grant Committee
330-256-5315 - Cell

Light Up The Boulevard Sandy Naragon 2023-12-12 05:00:00Z 0

Akron Rotary Club, Camp and Foundation Officers Elected for 2024

The Annual Meeting of the Rotary Club of Akron was conducted on Tuesday, December 5, 2023.
A key purpose of our Annual Meeting is to ratify the election of Officers and Directors for the Club, the Rotary Camp Board, and the Akron Rotary Foundation.
Below are the election results ratified accordingly at the meeting:
Club, Foundation, and Camp Election Results:
Executive Team 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2025:
  • President:  Nathanael "Thane" Billow
  • President-Elect: Katy Miller
  • Vice-President: Michael Gladysz
  • Secretary: Terry Dalton
  • Treasurer: Brian Kosarko
Directors 7/1/2024-6/30/2027
  • Paul Jarrett
  • Karen Hrdlicka
  • Cyndi Kane

Akron Rotary Foundation 
Board Members term 1/1/2024 – 12/31/2026
  • Carol Marturano-Becker
  • Karen Hrdlicka
  • Laura Smiley
Akron Rotary Camp
Board Members term 1/1/2024 – 12/31/2027
  • Tim DelMedico
  • Michael Gallucci
  • Nick George
  • Pamela Kiltau
  • James Redmond
Minutes were respectfully recorded by Terry Dalton, Akron Club Secretary & Scholarship Chair 
Akron Rotary Club, Camp and Foundation Officers Elected for 2024 2023-12-06 05:00:00Z 0
SNOWMANIA 2023-12-06 05:00:00Z 0
ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN THIS CAR! 2023-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

Annual Meeting  Recap

Posted by KNAUER
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During the December 5, 2023 annual meeting of The Rotary Club of Akron, we had 53 members in attendance on site as well as online.
The members unanimously ratified the results of our election which are included in this edition of the Akrotarian. In addition, we received updates from Treasurer, Michael Gladys; Service Chair, Cyndi Kane; Foundation Chair, Doug Kohl; Membership Chair, Brian Kosarko; Grants Chair, Sandy Naragon and Chili Open Chair, Laura Smiley. 
Your club has been active on the service front partnering with several organizations in the Akron community while our financial position remains strong.
Please see details about our service projects as well as sign up links for volunteering in this newsletter.
Thank you for your continued support of The Rotary Club of Akron.
Tom Knauer
The Rotary Club of Akron
Annual Meeting Recap KNAUER 2023-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

Akron Club Welcomes New Members

Sarah is a former Akron Rotarian who participated in the Chili Open, coordinated the dictionary program, secured grants for the Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank and International Institute of Akron, and served on the Board.
She took a hiatus from Akron Rotary while working in Twinsburg as their Finance Director.
Her accounting career has brought me back to Akron as the Assistant Director of Finance & Budget for Summit County under Executive Ilene Shapiro.
Currently, she serves on the Women in Public Finance Committee for the Government Finance Officer’s Association, Municipal Finance Officer’s Association Board as President, and the Board of Women in Public Finance.  She said "I look forward to re-joining Akron Rotary and supporting the Akron Rotary Camp."
Ginakaye (GK) is a prior Akron Rotarian and served as President for the 2006-2007 Rotary year.
Maddox is a native of Akron and twice graduate of Kent State University Currently, I'm the Diversity and Training Officer for RedOak Behavioral Health.
Her current community involvement includes Summit County Children Services Board, Secretary; Akron Roundtable Board of Directors; Summit County Historical Society Board and Chairperson for the John Brown Institute.
She has one son, and three grandsons.
Maddox also serves as a musician for her church and enjoy readings, biking, and quiz shows.
Akron Club Welcomes New Members 2023-12-01 05:00:00Z 0

Mayor-Elect Malik 

Mayor-Elect Malik shared his story of growing up in Akron, educational background and passion for the community.

He spoke of his early political inspiration and the impact his mother, a long time educator, had on him, instilling his love for education and dedication to the community and its people.
He touched on critical initiatives he and his administration plan to address once in office.


Photos courtesy of Katy Miller

Mayor-Elect Malik 2023-12-01 05:00:00Z 0


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Thank you to all who have signed up to support Akron Youth Mentorship's K-3rd Grade Reading Program. There has been a change in the schedule for December and there is no program on December 18th, that event has been cancelled. The good news is that I have entered all the dates for 2024! 

The State of Ohio has a 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee that ensures that students in grades K-3rd grade are provided with resources to get them to the appropriate reading level by the time they enter 4th grade and aren't falling behind. Akron Youth Mentorship's K-3rd Grade Reading Program puts a tutor in front of them to read books for one hour a week. This extra reading time gives our K-3rd grade mentees a little extra help making sure they are on track to meet state standards and be set up for success as they move into 4th grade.
One hour a week helps kids catch up! As a club, we have committed to send two Rotarians on Monday evenings from 4:45 pm - 6:00 pm, October 2023 thru May 2024.
Location: Macedonia Baptist Church

Please e-mail me if you have any questions or would like to volunteer and the times are filled. We have the opportunity to add students from the waitlist if we have enough interest from our club. I will add dates for  2024 later in the year. 

Thank you,
Darethann Krill
Akron Rotary Service Committee

Club Holiday Luncheon Dec. 19 -- RSVP NOW! 2023-11-27 05:00:00Z 0

Support the Chili Open with Raffle Tickets!

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The Chili Open Golf Classic will be here soon after the Holidays and we need your help to make this another successful event!
Purchase or sell a minimum of 10 raffle tickets, (or more), at only $20 each, and stand a chance to win one of the following great prizes:  
  • 1st prize is a 2024 KIA K5, or $19,000 cash payout – Thank you The VanDevere Bunch! 
  • 2nd prize is a $2,500 Flooring Credit courtesy of Barrington Carpet & Flooring Design
  • 3rd prize is a 55” 4k Smart LED TV, courtesy of the S Group, Inc. – Thank you, Rotarian Jeff Sheeks! 
Please bring any sold raffle tickets to our weekly club meetings, or mail them to the Camp Office (4460 Rex Lake Drive, Akron, OH 44319). Tickets can also be purchased online, by clicking on this link. Also share this fantastic opportunity with your friends, family, and colleagues.
Funding from the Chili Open helps ensure that no camper is ever turned away from Akron Rotary Camp due to inability to pay. Thank you for your support in making the Chili Open a continued success for our Club to benefit the campers who attend Akron Rotary Camp! Together, we are "Creating a world where there are only abilities!"
Laura Smiley
Chair, 2024 Chili Open Golf Classic
Support the Chili Open with Raffle Tickets! 2023-11-21 05:00:00Z 0

Akron Rotary Club Annual Meeting - DEC. 5th

DECEMBER 5, 2023
If you are an active member you should have received a ballot last week in your email. If not, click here to download the ballot.
Instructions for submitting your ballot are on the ballot. Please note that Jacinto Nunez will be collecting the ballots since Karen Hrdlicka is on the ballot this year.
As always, it needs to be physically signed by you and returned either via a scan or at a meeting.
At our annual meeting on December 5 the results will be announced and the club will vote on ratifying the results.
We do this because often we receive less than a majority of the club via the ballots so this way we make sure a majority of the club is voting.
Please plan to be at the annual meeting on December 5 either virtually (link below) or in person. 
Although there is not a virtual option for meetings anymore, we are offering it for this meeting:
Here is the Zoom link if you plan to attend the club Annual Meeting virtually:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81242308227
Akron Rotary Club Annual Meeting - DEC. 5th 2023-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

Akron Rotarians Recognized

Congratulations to Stew and Cherie Buchanan!
They were recognized for their years of service on events to raise funds for End Polio Now.  They have hosted numerous events over the years at Progressive Field and other venues that have raised much needed funds and awareness.  Stew and Cherie are amazing individuals and truly exemplify Service Above Self.
Photo L-R: 
Frederick T. "Rory" McGuire, Grandson of Arch C. Klumph, Father of The Rotary Foundation, Rotary Club of Cleveland, Cherie Buchanan, Stew Buchanan, Kevin Kelly, CFRE, Regional Gifts Officer, Rotary International
Akron Rotarians Recognized 2023-11-17 05:00:00Z 0

Akron Rotarians Graduate from Leadership 6630 

District 6630 invites Rotarians to participate in Leadership 6630 each year. 
Akron Rotarians Brian Kosarko and Katy Miller were part of the 2023 Leadership 6630 class.
They spent many months studying and learning about our Rotary District 6630 operations and Rotary International programs.
The entire class of 2023 was recognized on November 16 at the District Foundation Gala.
Akron Rotarians Graduate from Leadership 6630 2023-11-17 05:00:00Z 0

SERVICE PROJECT: Light up the Boulevard - Nov. 29th

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What an exciting time to be an Akron Rotarian!  The opportunities to serve are abundant!  So are the needs of the community.  Do you love to decorate for the holidays?  Akron Rotary has once again adopted a Kenmore Boulevard storefront. We'll be decorating the window of 960 Kenmore Boulevard on Wednesday, November 29th from 2:00-4:30 pm.
The holiday celebration in Kenmore builds community spirit and promotes Kenmore businesses.
We need you and could use some more decorations!  We're hoping for "Rotary" blue and gold decorations and any lighted display--you can donate or loan the items. 
Sandy Naragon, Chair
Akron Rotary Grant Committee
330-256-5315 - Cell
SERVICE PROJECT: Light up the Boulevard - Nov. 29th Sandy Naragon 2023-11-17 05:00:00Z 0

Akrotarians take Action for ShelterCare!

Posted by Marissa Rufe
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On July 25th, 2023 Dr. Wes Fair, President and Jessica Purdy, Director of Development of Shelter Care, Inc. presented to our Club about the work that Shelter Care does in Summit County. Shelter Care, Inc. is a private non-profit agency that has served young people and families in crisis since 1972. Shelter Care has six distinct programs that together provide a continuum of residential and non-residential care including short-term crisis intervention, intermediate or respite care, long-term care en route to independent living, residential services for pregnant teens, outreach services, and outpatient counseling. Shelter Care's Mission Statement: To provide healing, restore hope and recognize the value of young people and families in need.
As part of our ongoing commitment to serving our community, Akron Rotary recently partnered with Shelter Care for a service project. On November 8th, 2023, Rotary members organized a special event to prepare cooked and ‘ready to bake’ meals for two of their youth programs (The Highlands and Shelter Home). Those meals were delivered the next day; lasagna -ready to bake- and salad to The Highlands as well as a fully stocked and ready to assemble taco bar to The Shelter Home.
We could not have done it without the teamwork and guidance from Shelter Care’s own Jessica Purdy, who followed up with this heartfelt message: “I wanted to thank you and the Akron Rotary Club for your kindness and generosity in preparing and delivering meals to the Highlands and Shelter Home programs last week. What a wonderful blessing! I haven't gotten to touch base with all those that received the meals yet but I heard that they smelled delicious (and I'm sure they tasted that way too!). We are so grateful for the time, effort and care that you all put into them.” The Akron Rotary Service Committee plans to have more of these events in the future, so stay tuned!
Akrotarians take Action for ShelterCare! Marissa Rufe 2023-11-17 05:00:00Z 0


Posted by Sandy Naragon
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Every week, 100 students at Innes Community Learning Center receive packs of non-perishable food on Fridays to ensure they have enough to eat over the weekend.  The Feeding Kids Backpack Project is provided by Open M and is partially funded by a grant awarded by the Akron Rotary Foundation.  Food insecurity negatively impacts a child's ability to learn and grow.
Rotarians pack food on Wednesday and deliver it to Innes on Thursday.  The school distributes it to the children to take home on Fridays.
This service project is so needed that it has been extended to the end of the school year.  Open M Volunteer Link
Thank you to these most recent volunteers who packed the bags!
SERVICE PROJECT: OPEN M Sandy Naragon 2023-11-08 05:00:00Z 0

Akron Rotary Foundation Grant Cycle Open for 2024 

Posted by Sandy Naragon
The Rotary Club of Akron and the Akron Rotary Foundation have a longstanding commitment to the greater Akron community.  Rotary is dedicated to causes that build relationships, improve lives, and create a better world—locally and globally.
The 2024 Grant Cycle is officially open!  Grants between $1,000 and $15,000 will be considered via an application process which ends January 31, 2024.  Projects must have an Akron Rotarian “sponsor” and must include direct volunteer service opportunities for Akron Rotarians.  Akron Rotary doesn’t just write checks, we’re action oriented and live by the motto, “Service Above Self.”
ROTARIANS:  Spread the word to impactful community service providers!  Encourage them to apply by January 31, 2024, via the application link below.  If you have questions, email
Akron Rotary Foundation Grant Cycle Open for 2024 Sandy Naragon 2023-11-07 05:00:00Z 0

OPEN M Service Project Volunteers

Posted by Cheryl Warren
I recently volunteered for the OPEN M service project and want to share the well-oiled process to give you an idea of what to expect -- we hope you will sign up to participate!  
This week, it started with four Akron Rotarians packing 100 bags on Wednesday from 3-4pm. 
Thank you Mark Seward, Marcia Holcomb, DG Julie Brandle and Katy Miller for volunteering!
Each bag contained bottles of Propel, cans of Chicken Chili, Macaroni & Cheese, snack items and crackers.
Carleigh from OPEN M said "we strive to provide the children with breakfast, lunch and snack items".
The next morning (Thursday) a Rotary volunteer arrives at 9am to pick up the bags.

This week, Carleigh Lape, Marcia Campo and Darryl Millirons from OPEN M were on hand to load up my car. 
About 10 minutes later my car was loaded and Carleigh and Marcia gave perfect instructions for the delivery site and they also called ahead to let the school know I was on the way.
Off I went to Innes School (about 5 minutes away) where two teachers, Caitlyn Gilley and Samantha Little, were waiting with carts and a few students to unload the car. 
Thank you to all - it was very well organized and efficient.
A big thanks also goes out to Sandy Naragon for coordinating this project for our Club - see more details from Sandy below the photo.
Yours in Service - 
Cheryl Warren
A message from Sandy Naragon:
Every week, 100 students at Innes Community Learning Center receive packs of non-perishable food on Fridays to ensure they have enough to eat over the weekend.  The Feeding Kids Backpack Project is provided by Open M and is partially funded by a grant awarded by the Akron Rotary Foundation.  Food insecurity negatively impacts a child's ability to learn and grow.
Rotarians pack food on Wednesday and deliver it to Innes on Thursday.  The school distributes it to the children to take home on Fridays.
This service project is so needed that it has been extended to the end of the school year.  Open M Volunteer Link
OPEN M Service Project Volunteers Cheryl Warren 2023-10-28 04:00:00Z 0
Rotarians Volunteer at the Food Bank! 2023-10-26 04:00:00Z 0

Weekly through May: Akron Youth Mentorship K-3rd Grade Reading Program Service Project

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Akron Youth Mentorship's K-3rd Grade Reading Program has a new location! Monday, February 26 we will be reading at The Vincent House located on East Exchange Street.
The State of Ohio has a 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee that ensures that students in grades K-3rd grade are provided with resources to get them to the appropriate reading level by the time they enter 4th grade and aren't falling behind. Akron Youth Mentorship's K-3rd Grade Reading Program puts a tutor in front of them to read books for one hour a week. This extra reading time gives our K-3rd grade mentees a little extra help making sure they are on track to meet state standards and be set up for success as they move into 4th grade.
One hour a week helps kids catch up! As a club, we have committed to support two kids per week on Monday evenings from 4:45 pm - 6:00 pm, October 2023 thru May 2024.
Location: The Vincent House
Thank you to all those who have already volunteered to support this initiative, I hope you have enjoyed this experience as much as I have!. If you have any questions, please reach out to me via e-mail or phone (440.813.6230).

Thank you,
Darethann Krill
Thank you,
Darethann Krill
Akron Rotary Service Committee
Weekly through May: Akron Youth Mentorship K-3rd Grade Reading Program Service Project Darethann Krill 2023-10-25 04:00:00Z 0


If you are interested in serving on the Service Projects Committee, please contact Cyndi Kane:  cyndi@cyndikane.com. 330-606-6041

Club Service Projects List 
Akron Youth Mentorship K-3rd Grade Reading Program
Rotarian Coordinator: Darethann Krill
  • Every Monday starting October 16th  4:45pm – 6pm
  • Location: 940 McKinley Ave, Akron, OH 44306
Rotarian Coordinator: Sandy Naragon
  • Wednesdays in October - December from 3-4pm. (filling backpacks)
  • Thursdays in October - December from 9-10am. (distributing backpacks)
Coming up in February, 2024:
  • Assemble bikes at the bike kitchen for the annual "LeBron James Ride"
Please mark your calendars and meet up with us for Service Above Self!
Cyndi Kane
Service Projects Chair 2023-2024
SERVICE PROJECTS AT A GLANCE - Help Us Take Action!! 2023-10-25 04:00:00Z 0

Nov. 14 Weekly Meeting AND Board Meeting will be OFFSITE!

Posted by Gerry Kiefer

November 14, 2023
Offsite weekly meeting with lunch at
Akron Children’s Museum

216 S. Main St, At Lock 3 Park

RSVPs are closed

if you missed the window to register call Cheryl ASAP at 330-495-9814
we try to accommodate you with a meal.

Rotary Board Meeting at the museum, 11am-Noon

Entertaining as well as informative, this unique offsite meeting will be initiated by trustees Betsy Hartschuh, Children’s Museum co-founder, and Ben Tegel. After their introductory remarks conclude, around 12:20, we will not just “recess,” but have recess, i.e. time for discovering the exhibits in the museum. The meeting will end at 1 pm, but attendees may stay longer if desired.
The Akron Children’s Museum was founded by a small group of young parents who, after visiting numerous children’s museums throughout the U.S. and querying their peers, determined that such an institution was indeed needed, and could serve Akron and the surrounding region well with Akron-centric, unique experiences. Their plans were set in motion in 2012 and 2013, when the founding board commissioned feasibility and market studies. In 2014 ACM received its nonprofit status from the IRS, added new board members and began fundraising to realize the vision. In 2015, a partnership with The City of Akron was forged with ACM’s Holiday Pop-Up Site at Lock 3. The museum opened on November 25, 2016.
Children’s museums are places where children learn through play and exploration in environments created JUST FOR THEM. Reflecting their diverse communities, children’s museums create playful, interactive learning experiences. In an increasingly complex world, children’s museums provide a place where kids and their families can experience learning and playing together.
More and more families visit children's museums each year for the unique, face-to-face fun, enlightenment and shared experiences not available at other attractions. Children’s museums also contribute to the local economy and, in ACM’s case, also support efforts to continue the renaissance of our downtown area through addition of more safe, inspired and accessible family activities.
Parking is available in the O’Neil’s/State Street Parking Deck at 51 W. State Street (behind Barley House) for $2 when you have your parking ticket validated at the Children’s Museum (free for Rotary members on November 14, 2023). 
After you park, take the elevator to the ground level, take a right to go under the breezeway, and doors to the museum (with monsters on them) are straight ahead.
For additional information, please visit https://akronkids.org/visit#direction-parking.
Nov. 14 Weekly Meeting AND Board Meeting will be OFFSITE! Gerry Kiefer 2023-10-25 04:00:00Z 0

SERVICE PROJECT: One Hour Helps 100 Kids! 

Posted by Sandy Naragon
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Every week, 100 students at Innes Community Learning Center receive packs of non-perishable food on Fridays to ensure they have enough to eat over the weekend.  The Feeding Kids Backpack Project is provided by Open M and is partially funded by a grant awarded by the Akron Rotary Foundation.  Food insecurity negatively impacts a child's ability to learn and grow.
Rotarians pack food on Wednesday and deliver it to Innes on Thursday.  The school distributes it to the children to take home on Fridays.
This service project is so needed that it has been extended to the end of the school year.  Go to the link below to volunteer!
Sandy Naragon, Chair
Rotary 6630 Grant Committee
Pictured Packing:  Rotarians (LtoR): Angie Claypool, Liv Pilon, Paul Jarrett and Cyndi Kane. 
Pictured Delivery: Mella Castner and Darethann Krill.
Volunteers to date include Rotarians Angie Claypool, Gerry Keifer, Marissa Rufe, Doug Kohl, Cynthia Snider, Sandy Naragon, Cyndi Kane, Paul Jarrett, Liv Pilon, Mella Castner and Darethann Krill.
SERVICE PROJECT: One Hour Helps 100 Kids! Sandy Naragon 2023-10-25 04:00:00Z 0

SERVICE PROJECT:  Salvation Army Bell Ringing - December 1st and December 15th

Posted by Mark Seward
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This year Club members (and guests) will have the opportunity to participate in the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign on two different dates and locations. 
Below are details regarding dates, times, and locations. You can sign-up online to participate in these events. We need two Rotarians (or guests) to cover each hour of the day(s) we will be at each location. We are also seeking substitutes.
This is a great opportunity to get in the holiday spirit and spend time with loved ones, friends, and the local community near North High School and in West Akron. 
Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Location: ACME #1
1835 W. Market Street
Akron, OH 44313
Please contact Mark Seward with any questions
Thank you for your participation!

The Salvation Army Meets Human Need Wherever, Whenever, However We Can! 

The donations we collect by our Bell Ringing efforts will be used to support hard-working families stay in their homes, and provide food, shelter, and utilities to those in need in your community.  

SERVICE PROJECT: Salvation Army Bell Ringing - December 1st and December 15th Mark Seward 2023-10-25 04:00:00Z 0

SERVICE PROJECT:  Second Chance Village - Nov 5, 2023  11am - 2 pm

Posted by Douglas Hausknecht
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Mission: Second Chance Village is a Nonprofit Service Club founded for bringing support and relief to trauma survivors recovering from homelessness.
One of the best ways to understand the needs of others is through their own eyes. Ryan Scanlon operates Second Chance Village as a support network to those experiencing and recovering from homelessness based in part on his own experience.  This enables him to have unique access and empathy with others in the group.
The Akron Rotary Foundation and District 6630 approved a grant to further the efforts of Second Chance Village. The grant funds longer lasting items which enables the organization to focus on some immediate needs such as warm clothing, a meal, conversation and often connections to additional community resources.
Rotarians can help to make the community connections a reality by volunteering at some of the weekly hot meal service provided in the East Akron/Middlebury neighborhood. 
Trauma survivors come for a hot meal and contact with others. 
To serve and, at times, prepare the meal. 
Second Chance Village has been providing this weekly and we are looking to participate on some of those weekends. 
The first trial is scheduled for November 5th from 11:00am - 2:00pm. There are TWO Shifts:  CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP
It will likely be cold, but that’s when a hot meal may be most welcome.  We only need a few members each time.
997 E. Market Street
Lest We Forget Memorial Park
Parking will be available at Ardmore.
Doug Hausknect
SERVICE PROJECT: Second Chance Village - Nov 5, 2023 11am - 2 pm Douglas Hausknecht 2023-10-24 04:00:00Z 0

SERVICE PROJECT: Akron Canton Food Bank 10/25 - Responses needed by 10/20 please

Posted by David Hall
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It is time again to sign up to volunteer for the Akron Canton Regional Food Bank service project!
I am looking for volunteers (spouses and friends are welcome; they just need to signup for volunteering with ACRFB!) for Wednesday, October 25 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm at the Akron location which is located at 350 Opportunity Parkway, Akron, OH 44307.  
The service project involves breaking down large containers of food into smaller portions for redistribution to area food pantries.  The two hours flies by as we all have fun with the project and we get the opportunity to work with our fellow Rotarians and strengthen our friendships and maybe meet a few new people from other organizations/companies that are there volunteering as well.    
If you have any questions please call or text me at 330-714-1044.
I need a head count by noon this Friday 18th, so if you would please let me know by then if you plan on attending by sending me an email or text:  dhall@preferredlegacy.com or 330-714-1044.  I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you for volunteering!
David Hall
Preferred Legacy National Trust Bank 
330-714-1044 - cell 
PLEASE COMPLETE A VOLUNTEER APPLICATION – If you have not volunteered with the Foodbank in the past 2 years.
Preparing for your visit, main Akron Campus:
The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank’s Main Campus is located at 350 Opportunity Parkway, Akron, OH 44307, at the corner of Dart Avenue and Opportunity Parkway off of OH-59 near Downtown Akron. Get Directions.
When you arrive, please park in the front of the building or in the Dart Avenue parking lot. Use the front glass doors to enter the building.
  • If the parking lot is full, please park in the grass lot or proceed to the Shipping and Receiving parking lot on the other side of the building. 
    • If entering through Shipping and Receiving, enter through the RED visitor door and proceed to the front desk.
  • We also recommend carpooling when possible.
What to wear:
  • Face Masks are optional.
  • Safety is our priority! Please note that open-toed shoes are not permitted in the warehouse. Jewelry is not permitted in the clean- room and we recommend wearing limited jewelry when volunteering.
  • Comfortable shoes are recommended as you may be on your feet the entire time. 
  • It is best to dress in layers. The weather outside may affect the temperature inside the warehouse.
SERVICE PROJECT: Akron Canton Food Bank 10/25 - Responses needed by 10/20 please David Hall 2023-10-18 04:00:00Z 0

Fall Clean Up at Rotary Camp

Posted by Amanda Warner
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On Saturday, October 14, a small but mighty group of Rotarians showed up at Rotary Camp to help with Fall Camp Clean Up. We all got to work in the Judy and Roger Read Lodge to deep clean the dining hall and kitchen. Windows were cleaned, shelves got unpacked and wiped down, and walls were washed down. We also moved and stacked away all the canoes, kayaks, and picnic tables in the Pavilion for the winter. Shout out to Sandy Naragon, Tom Knauer, David Hall, Angie Claypool, Jack Harig, Darethann Krill, Ron McGirr and Cyndi & Michael Kane for all their hard work. We truly appreciate all your help!
Fall Clean Up at Rotary Camp Amanda Warner 2023-10-17 04:00:00Z 0
Final Pints and Pours to End Polio is Nov 9th in Hudson 2023-10-15 04:00:00Z 0

Crown Point Ecology Center

Posted by Terrence Dalton
The Rotary Club of Akron had the pleasure of listening to Kevin Gross at our Tuesday, October 10 Club Meeting discuss the Crown Point Ecology Center where he is the Executive Director.
Jacob and Abigail Swigart purchased the property and built a Farmhouse in 1854. The property changed hands several times between 1862-1879 with Roswell Hopkins Jr. purchasing the property in 1879 for $9,300. He owned the property until 1949 but never lived onsite. Many renting farmers resided on the property and farmed the land.
In 1910 an appraisal of the property revealed 110-acres of plowable land, 23-acres of pasture, 15-acres of timber and a Farmhouse that was in fair-good condition. The barn was listed as new. The barn listed in the appraisal is the same barn present at Crown Point today.
In 1949, the property was purchased by Hugh and Mary Stoller. Hugh and Mary Stoller later reached the age of retirement and began making efforts to sell the property as neither of their children were interested in maintaining the property and farm.
In 1967, The Sisters of St. Dominic visited the property with the Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland. By September 1967 the Sisters of St. Dominic had taken the initial steps to purchase the property from the Stollers.  Initially the house was renovated and turned into a pre-school. In 1997 Crown Point began to grow produce for distribution to the Akron/Canton Regional Foodbank.  Crown Point has donated more than 140,000 pounds of organic produced food to the Foodbank.  In 1998 Crown Point began a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program.  Today, the CSA averages 110 families each year.
Mission:  Crown Point, guided by the core values of community, sustainability, spirituality, and justice, has a mission to demonstrate the practical applications of ecology and to connect spirituality, social justice, and environmental protection.
Vision:  To be a role model for food security and sustainable land use, through farm stewardship, advocacy, education, and collaboration.
The Center consists of 115 acres, approximately 75 acres as native prairie with 5 miles of hiking trails, and 8 acres of a certified organic farm.
The Center provides a variety of programs including a Summer Science and Farm Camp, a venue for weddings and other gatherings utilizing the barn.  The Century Barn can accommodate 150 guests and up to 250 Guests on the spacious lawn. The Farm also provides a Farm Internship program and the CSA Shareholders program.
To get a better feel of how the Crown Point Ecology Center might benefit fellow Rotarians, I encourage everyone to check out their website at www.crownpointecology.org.  You won’t regret it!
Yours in Service,
Terry Dalton
Club Secretary and Scholarship Chair
Crown Point Ecology Center Terrence Dalton 2023-10-15 04:00:00Z 0

Friday Morning Gathering

Posted by Cyndi Kane
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It was great to be together Friday morning!  Doug Kohl, Cyndi Kane, Liv Pilon, Mark Seward, Paul Jarrett, Dr. Doug Hausknecht, John Margida, Gerry Kiefer, Tom Knauer, Ginny Wojno, Rima Moukassa and Jeff Sheeks were in attendance. We really enjoyed our time of fellowship!  
Stay tuned for a January date!  I plan to keep this going quarterly as the feedback is overwhelmingly POSITIVE!  
Friday Morning Gathering Cyndi Kane 2023-10-13 04:00:00Z 0
Halloween at Rotary Camp - Request for Candy Donations by Friday Oct. 27th 2023-10-09 04:00:00Z 0
Oct. 17 is deadline to order Purple Dunkin' Donuts to End Polio 2023-10-06 04:00:00Z 0

Welcome Rev. Dean Kokanos - Akron Rotary's Newest Member!

His sponsor is Nathanael Billow

Fr. Dean is the Pastor of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, where the Rotary Club of Akron currently meets.
He and his family moved in the fall of 2022 from Pittsburgh (yes, he is Steelers Fan).
Prior to moving to Akron, he served as the Pastor of a smaller church in East Pittsburgh, PA.

During his tenure in East Pittsburgh, his parish focused primarily on building community through social outreach programs. We founded a soup kitchen, food pantry, clothing pantry, and numerous other community outreach programs.
He shared that he is passionate about making the city aware of the social services available at the Church.  He stated "it is our obligation as a community of believers to love and care for those around us through our many programs".

Along with his wife, Gabrielle,  and two children, he resides in Fairlawn.
Their children are in Elementary school.  Gabrielle works for The Ohio State University (Go Buckeyes) from their living room.

Fr. Dean said,  "I am excited to be a part of the Rotary. I look forward to opportunities to engage the Akron community through service projects and other events".
Welcome Rev. Dean Kokanos - Akron Rotary's Newest Member! 2023-10-06 04:00:00Z 0

Akron Youth Mentorship

Posted by Terrence Dalton
The Rotary Club of Akron welcomed Ron Kent to our Tuesday, October 3, 2023, Club luncheon meeting and appreciated their presentation on the programs offered by Akron Youth Mentorship.
Why Does Akron Youth Mentorship (AYM) Exist?
AYM exists to mentor youth with biblical teaching to make life's eternal, emotional, educational, and occupational decisions.
Their pillars of Mentorship, Education, Work readiness, and Experiences help them holistically care for their students and foster relationships built on trust between mentors and mentees.
Their Purpose:
To help youth make the best decisions every moment of every day.
Their Programs:
Akron Youth Mentorship is founded on the pillars of Mentorship, Education, Work Readiness, and Experiences. These pillars help AYM holistically care for students and foster relationships built on trust between mentors and mentees.  AYM serves school-aged youth that live in the city of Akron.
Mentorship puts positive adult influences in the lives of 100+ students and provides a safe atmosphere for students to grow and develop into successful young adults. Through the time that mentors spend with mentees, trust is built to give a platform for mentors to help guide mentees to make decisions that will put them in a position of success as they grow older. Ultimately, AYM’s goal is to help youth make the best decisions, every moment of every day.
Education is a key factor in learning positive work-ethics and decision-making skills. They support students wherever they attend school (most in Akron Public Schools, a few in surrounding Charter Schools) with advocating between teachers and parents, providing tutoring, and a 3rd grade reading program that supports the 3rd grade reading guarantee.
Work Readiness:
The Work Readiness Program provides tangible soft-skills training, financial literacy education, and opportunities to learn healthy work habits and skills that students can carry into any workplace.
The Experience Initiative helps AYM stay connected to their students outside of their regular weekly group mentoring. Some of these other experiences are One-on-One mentoring sessions, summer camps and retreats, Outings to different Akron local places to expand students’ knowledge of the world around them.
Mr. Kent stated that there is a waiting list.  Challenges include recruitment of mentors and on-going funding.
For further information about their programs, check out their website at www.saymentor.org.  
Yours in Service,
Terry Dalton
Club Secretary and Scholarship Chair
Akron Youth Mentorship Terrence Dalton 2023-10-06 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Cares

The purpose of Rotary Cares is to show our support for Akron Rotary members and their families when dealing with the loss of a loved one, the hardship of illness and also to celebrate the joy of a new baby, job, marriage or other events in their lives. Please <Click to Email us> to let us know of any news you would like placed here. Note that health related information is posted only with permission of the individual(s).


Theresa Frances Knauer passed away on October 1, 2023, at the age of 93. She was born on December 10, 1929, in Akron, Ohio, the ninth of eleven children born to Marie and Francis Clark. She graduated from Our Lady of the Elms School, attended The University of Akron, and worked at the Ohio Edison Company.

She enjoyed music, charitable work, church, golf, bridge, vacations, books, ice cream, and would try anything once. She could sew or knit anything, and made the best chocolate chip cookies. Despite her mild manner, those close to her knew she had a keen sense of humor and was a fierce competitor in any game. She loved her family most of all, and she was our role model for her goodness and empathy. Her family wishes to thank the aides who helped care for her in the last years of her life.

Theresa was preceded in death by her husband of 66 years, Charles; her beloved daughter, Lisa; her parents; and all of her siblings. Theresa is survived by her children, John (Cindy), Lynn (Ed), Dave (Cathy), and Tom (Missy); her nine grandsons, David, Mark, Brian, Michael, Josh, Andrew, Zach, Jason, and George; her only granddaughter, Frances; and six great grandchildren.

Rite of Christian Burial Mass will be celebrated 11:00 A.M. FRIDAY October 6, 2023 at St. Sebastian Church, 476 Mull Avenue, Akron, Ohio. The family will receive friends one hour prior to mass at the church. Inurnment at Rose Hill Burial Park. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in Theresa’s name may be made to the American Cancer Society (www.cancer.org) or to St. Sebastian Parish. (www.stsebastian.org)

Services in care The Billow Funeral Homes & Crematory, Fairlawn Chapel, 85 N Miller Road  Akron, OH  44333.

Rotary Cares 2023-10-06 04:00:00Z 0
Nov. 16 - District Foundation Awards and Celebration 2023-09-29 04:00:00Z 0
Gerry's "OPEN M" (Open Mazda) ready to roll! 2023-09-29 04:00:00Z 0

Akron Cooperative Farms (ACF)

Posted by Terrence Dalton
The Rotary Club of Akron welcomed Ben Tegel to our Tuesday, September 26, 2023, Club luncheon meeting and appreciated their presentation on the Akron Cooperative Farms. Ben is a ACF Board Member and President of Auxin Group Wealth Management.
What is Akron Cooperative Farms?
Their Mission:
Transforming underutilized land into urban farms for community gardens and entrepreneurial enterprises designed to strengthen the social and economic fabric of Akron through agriculture.
Their Purpose:
Akron Cooperative Farms is an urban farm in the North Hill community of Akron.  The program brings diverse residents and neighbors together around growing produce for their families and community, as well as selling to market as entrepreneurs.
The farm consists of over 4 acres of land, divided into 20’ x 20’ plots. Approximately 150 plots are currently in use by 130 individuals.  Mr. Tegel explained how many of the gardeners are immigrants and they bring different products to market that were grown in Nepal and Burma. Ben mentioned that the farmers are a little competitive as to who has the best garden, etc.
For many, gardening gives them a “sense of purpose.”
ACF is impacting lives through 1) job creation, 2) creating a social inclusive haven, 3) promoting and supporting entrepreneurship, 4) sourcing the region with local food, 5) providing space where ethnic minorities can reconnect to their agrarian culture and 6) repurposing underutilized land.
Individuals interested in getting involved can do a variety of things, including becoming a board member, volunteering as a group for a big project, interning with ACF, looking for something to do on a consistent basis, or just have an hour or two to give a helping hand.
As a new not-for-profit organization, they can always use donations.  Your gift helps support local growers and their families, strengthens the local economy, and provides our region with fresh local produce and a sustainable green space that beautifies the urban landscape. 
During the growing season a Farmers Market is held on Wednesdays from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
To learn more about ACF, including how to lease a plot, check out their website at akroncoopfarms.org or visit their Facebook page at Akron Cooperative Farms.
Yours in Service
Terry Dalton
Club Secretary & Scholarship Chair
Akron Cooperative Farms (ACF) Terrence Dalton 2023-09-28 04:00:00Z 0
Oct. 7 - Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for Akron Rotary Camp Amanda Warner 2023-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

Jack Harig recognized for going "above and beyond"

Jack Harig, a member of  Warriors Journey Home, received the recognition award, "Carroll 'Gene' Stalnaker Got Your 6" at the annual Gala dinner on Saturday 16 September at The Venue in Tallmadge, Ohio. 
The "Carroll 'Gene' Stalnaker Got Your 6" is presented annually to individuals or organizations who have gone "above and beyond" expectations in supporting our veterans homecoming. 
Jack stepped up and stepped in when Ernie Liska. of  Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, was tragically killed in an accident.   
The Warriors Journey Home Circle of Trust meeting at HTLC would be without a leader had Jack not assumed the leadership role.  Jack continued to reach out to veterans through the Valor Court of Summit County, and kept the HTLC Circle engaged.  
Jack has served the greater Akron Community through selfless giving of his time and talents.
He continues to place service before self. 
Thank you Jack, for your military service, your leadership and your ongoing commitment to helping others.
Jack Harig with keynote speaker Major General Dan Hahn, US Army (retired)
Jack Harig recognized for going "above and beyond" 2023-09-23 04:00:00Z 0

Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro: Big things are going on! 

The Club was honored to host Summit County Executive, Ilene Shapiro, and several members of her staff at our September 19, 2023 meeting. 
Ilene Shapiro is an American businessperson and politician. She has served as the Executive of Summit County, Ohio since August 1, 2016. Her predecessor Russell M. Pry died in office on July 31, 2016.  She was elected in 2016 and re-elected in 2020 and is currently serving a four-year term that ends in December 2024. Previously, Shapiro was a member of Summit County Council for ten years and Council President for three years. Prior to her time in public service, Shapiro was a businesswoman.
Before her time on County Council, Shapiro was a businesswoman and a small business owner. She was an executive at First Merit Bank and the Summa Health Foundation. She later became an entrepreneur, and created a beauty supply company and consultancy firm based in Akron.  Shapiro was the head of Shapiro Consulting, a business consulting firm.
Summit County has over 540,333 residents and is the 4th largest of Ohio’s 88 counties.  In the county are 31 communities made up of 14 cities, 8 villages and 9 townships.
With a County budget of over half-a-billion dollars, Shapiro kicked off her presentation “Big things are going on” talking about what she does as County Executive and then shared information about the projects that are taking place in the County. 
What does our County Executive Ilene Shapiro do?
  • Her role is facilitative, strategic, & relationship driven
  • Chief administrative, budgetary and contracting authority for the County
  • Manages 10 departments:
    • Admin. Services, Admin. & Public Info, Community & Economic Development, Finance & Budget, Human Resources, Law & Risk Mgmt., Job & Family Services, Medical Examiner, Public Safety and Sanitary Sewer Services.
Big things are going on! 
  • Dispatch Center
  • Broadband
  • Opioid Lawsuit and Funds
  • Local HWAP, Lead Abatement, Home Repairs
  • Local economic and workforce development
  • Age-Friendly Akron-Summit
  • Summit County Animal Control
County Executive Shapiro shared information about these specific projects:
  • Our shared environment and water!
    • A map of ohio with black textDescription automatically generatedSummit County sits on the continental divide that separates the Lake Erie and Ohio River watersheds!
    • Sewer and stormwater systems across the watersheds impact all 31 communities, including Akron!
    • In Springfield, our reclamation facility is sending water to the Tuscarawas River that is cleaner than the river water!
    • We have planned investments for stormwater, sewer in Peninsula, Springfield, Lakemore, Bath, and more!
      • The Springfield facility has seen 74% increased efficiency.
    • The removal of the Gorge Dam will allow our Cuyahoga River to flow freely.
    • She is working with Akron on possibly amending the EPA Consent Decree.
  • Preventing youth violence!
    • Akron’s Youth Violence Prevention Plan & Upward Mobility Plan
      • Denico Buckley-Knight is leading the charge on Akron’s Youth Violence Prevention Program alongside community orgs such as United Way. This aligns closely with our Upward Mobility Plan!
      • We are working closely to support them wherever we can, especially when it comes to collaboration, mentorship and securing future grant dollars!
      • Early support is KEY to helping our youth!
  • New dispatch center that will house Akron’s operations!
    • The Summit Emergency Communications Center (SECC) is up and running.
      • State-of-the-art regional dispatch center that will serve 300,000+ residents.
      • Will house Akron dispatch services separately, but under the same roof!
      • Partnership between Summit County, Stow, Cuyahoga Falls, Fairlawn, Tallmadge and may expand to include Copley Twp. and more!
      • Always an opt-in project with capacity for ALL
      • Ribbon-cutting on October 6th!
  •  The Sojourner Truth Project and Plaza!
    • Memorializing the site of Truth’s iconic speech, commonly titled “Ain’t I a Woman”
    • Longstanding movement to honor her re-ignited by the Centennial Suffrage Committee
    • Towanda Mullins has strung together an incredible coalition! County contributed a total of $300,000.
    • Truth’s legacy is one of justice and equality for people of all races and genders, but especially Black women and girls.

Property Values 101

  •  All counties adjust property values every three years; current cycle includes Summit County and 12 others
  •  State Tax Commissioner dictates how properties are appraised, numbers are currently based on one year of sales data
  •  State asked for 34% increase
  •  A change in value is NOT proportional to a change in taxes

What does this mean for me?

  • Property value letters mailed out August 2023
  • Property tax bills mailed out January 2024
  • Property values can be contested starting January 2024 by filing a complaint with the Board of Revision
  • If you want to look up your property value, file a complaint, or have questions, see the Summit County Fiscal Office at fiscaloffice.summitoh.net or call 1-888-388-5613.
Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro: Big things are going on! 2023-09-22 04:00:00Z 0

SERVICE PROJECT:  OPEN M - Volunteering has started!

Posted by Sandy Naragon
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OPEN M is a Christian non-profit organization that serves more than 50,000 individuals annually with food, health and employment services—all intended to create pathways out of poverty.  OPEN M leverages a community alliance of churches, businesses and volunteers to offer programs to those in need.

Open M received grant funding from the Akron Rotary Foundation for its Feeding Kids Backpack Project.  Our service project with Open M has started!  Weekend meals will be packed for 100 low-income and food insecure students for Akron's Innes Middle School.

We are booked for a total of 6 days so far in September and October.  Check out the volunteer link to see where volunteers are still needed!

Please use the link below to sign up.  

Open M Volunteer Link

Yours in Service -
Sandy Naragon
Rotary District 6630 Grant Committee
SERVICE PROJECT: OPEN M - Volunteering has started! Sandy Naragon 2023-09-14 04:00:00Z 0
Oct. 14 - Camp Clean Up Day - Call for Volunteers 2023-09-14 04:00:00Z 0

Join us Friday October 13th at 7:30 am for some Rotary Fellowship

Posted by Cyndi Kane
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Hello Rotary friends - 
Please mark your calendar and plan to attend our morning meeting on Friday October 13th from 7:30am to 9am at the Akron Family Restaurant.  
President Knauer will provide club business updates and report on our recent service projects.   I will provide the latest update for upcoming service activities.  
I look forward to a casual meeting focused on fellowship and seeing those of you who cannot always attend a lunchtime meeting.  
Please note:  This is NOT in lieu of our regularly scheduled meeting(s).
Yours in Rotary Service,
Cyndi Kane
Chair, Service Committee 2023-24
Join us Friday October 13th at 7:30 am for some Rotary Fellowship Cyndi Kane 2023-09-14 04:00:00Z 0

Twin Pines Technology Presentation Recap: Prevent, Ensure and Recover!

Posted by Terrence Dalton
The Rotary Club of Akron had the privilege of listening to our own member, Brian Kosarko, discuss the value of having the “right” Information Technology (IT) support to prevent, ensure, and recover from IT incidents. 
Who Needs Professional IT Services?
  • Businesses of all sizes.
  • Businesses where a non-IT employee is responsible for IT issues.
    • Family member, shipping person, business owner
      • Not the best use of their time or the right expertise level
  • Businesses that are growing.
  • Businesses that don’t have a plan.
  • Businesses that are trying to keep up with today’s technological demands.
What are the Problems Twin Pines Technology (TPT) Solves?
  • Productivity – (loss of)
  • Security – Out of date computers, Microsoft patches for computers and servers.
  • Accessibility -
  • Planning/Design -
  • Accessing data securely – when the customers want it, how they want it and where they want it.
How Does Twin Pines Technology Solve It?
  • A suite of tools that monitors, manages, and alerts TPT of issues for each device.
  • Proactive diagnostics and solutions before problems become “big problems.”
  • Support systems with a team answering calls and supporting clients.
  • Providing customers with overarching technology strategy plans, then implementing the plans and adjusting as client needs change.
  • Finding new and creative solutions to “pain points.”
Why Prevent, Ensure, Recover?
Prevent:  Twin Pines Technology will do their best following industry standards and tools to prevent any data loss, cyber-attacks, ransomware, or downtime. 
No matter how detailed the plan is, issues will still happen.
Ensure:  Make sure plans, procedures, and coverages are in place for data loss or breaches.
Recover:  Have the ability to quickly recover when prevention was not enough.